I have Bell Fibe 15/10 on twisted pair into my house, Toronto, Ontario, but the upload speed is .67mbps of the advertised 10mbps. This summer Bell trenched my street to install fiber optic cable. They left the fiber optic cable zip tied to the side of my house. After 2 months wait I am trying to find out when Bell will install fiber optic into my house so I can get 10mbps upload, but they cannot give me an answer. photo by Don Tai

I logged into my Bell account, went to internet packages, did a search to see if fiber optic was available in my area. Alas it is. I am an existing Bell customer, i typed in my address. Toronto, Canada.

After logging into my account, searching for my address I find that Fiber to my home is available. I then clicked on the Learn More about fiber to your home, I get this Page not available screen. Damn. Toronto, Canada. Bell is so bad.

I have Bell Fibe 15/10 on twisted pair into my house, Toronto, Ontario, but the upload speed is .67mbps of the advertised 10mbps. This summer Bell trenched my street to install fiber optic cable. They left the fiber optic cable zip tied to the side of my house. After 2 months wait I am trying to find out when Bell will install fiber optic into my house so I can get 10mbps upload, but they cannot give me an answer. photo by Don Tai
Issues that confused Bell CSRs:
-I have Fibe 15. This means 15mbps download and 10mbps upload. CSR said I only had 1 mbps upload in package. There is no such package on the Bell site with 15mbps download and 1 mbps upload.
-I have fiber optic already: Partially true. I have fiber optic from the switching office to the neighbourhood node, but twisted pair copper from the node to my house. I now also have fiber optic from the node to the side of my house.
2016-nov-23: yesterday I logged a formal complaint with Bell on their web site. It seems all complaints go to their small business office, for some reason. It was unsurprising that I received a call from their small business office, the 6th Bell employee I have talked to, who then punted me to a complaint department. This complaint department is a 3d party company that specifically handles complaints. He was pleasant and quickly understood my issue, said this should be a common inquiry, and they they would research, follow up and call me back. I still wait.
Addendum: 2017 Jan 30 Bell Fibe 50 Home Installation: Toronto, Canada. The service is surprisingly good.