Government of Canada Changes Travel Advisory to China

After close to a month, where two Canadians were arbitrarily arrested in China, the Government of Canada has updated their travel advisory. Better late than never.

Latest updates: Risk level(s) – risk of arbitrary enforcement of local laws; Laws and culture – death penalty, penalties for drug-related offences

Government of Canada issues new travel advisory to China for arbitrary arrest, death penalty, 2019-jan-14

Government of Canada issues new travel advisory to China for arbitrary arrest, death penalty, 2019-jan-14

The US had issued a similar advisory:

Exercise increased caution in China due to arbitrary enforcement of local laws as well as special restrictions on dual U.S.-Chinese nationals.

Chinese authorities have asserted broad authority to prohibit U.S. citizens from leaving China by using ‘exit bans,’ sometimes keeping U.S. citizens in China for years. China uses exit bans coercively:

  • to compel U.S. citizens to participate in Chinese government investigations,
  • to lure individuals back to China from abroad, and
  • to aid Chinese authorities in resolving civil disputes in favor of Chinese parties.

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