Black Diamond Cheese, Canada: Terrible Customer Feedback System

Black Diamond Cheddar. How long is old cheddar aged? How about the extra old? I asked but did not get an answer.

Black Diamond Cheddar. How long is old cheddar aged? How about the extra old? I asked but did not get an answer.

I eat cheese on a regular basis. My favourite brand is Black Diamond. It is of consistent quality, and I have never had a problem with packaging. I wanted to know how long their “Old” cheddar is aged, vs their “extra old” cheddar. It seems to me a simple question.

The Black Diamond website has lovely pics of their cheese, but did not answer my question. I therefore filled in a feedback form asking my question. The response was, not really a response.
09:17 (34 minutes ago)
to me


Dear Mr. Tai,

This is to acknowledge receipt of your recent e-mail that you sent to Parmalat Canada. In order to properly answer your inquiry or concern, we need to gather more information from you. We kindly request that you contact our Consumer Relations Department at your earliest convenience (Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 6:00pm EST) using the following toll free number:


Thank you in advance.

Consumer Relations,
Parmalat Canada

# 403360

I have never been asked to call a 1-800 number just to have a question answered. So I call, go through their English/French option, get to their Customer Service number, and then the system auto disconnects me! I am not impressed, nor did I get my question answered.

Thankfully they do cheese better than they do tech and customer service.

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