Libodun Baby Fence: Teardown

Libodun baby fence: cute baby standing up. Made in China

Libodun baby fence: cute baby standing up. Made in China

My neighbour left a mess of long parts in a bag curbside, so out of curiosity I took it to try to figure out what it was and if I could use it for something else. The bag had metal tubes, metal brackets, padded baby blue metal bars and some plastic corner pieces. It looked like it had something to do with babies or small kids. It turned out to be a couple of sets of Libodun baby fence, used when a baby is small and prevents the kid from rolling off the edge of the bed.

City of Toronto Garbage Collection Rules

City of Toronto, Garbage rules, front side, 2024

City of Toronto, Garbage rules, front side, 2024

The City of Toronto has some specific rules as to what you can put out to the curb as garbage. If your waste does not comply they will not pick it up. Many newcomers to Toronto do not know many of these rules, so when the garbage guys are nice, they leave this type of notice.

If you are expecting a bunch of guys to be lifting up and throwing you trash bins into the back of their truck, those days are long gone. The trucks are now single driver and operate an automated arm. Trash bins are Toronto-specific and issued to be compatible with their trucks. Bins are lifted up and dumped from the top. Trash bin locks seem to unlock when upside down.

Weight Loss, How to Lose Weight: My Learnings, Hints and Tips

Weight loss, from a conceptual viewpoint is actually quite simple, but there are so many nuances that make it quite difficult to achieve and maintain an ideal weight. Your body is designed by evolution, with vestiges from long-past times. Your body will do all it can to not allow you to diet down and die because you ran out of energy. To understand how this mechanism works will help you reduce down to a healthy weight.

The Satiety Score: Useful in Reducing Calories and Losing Body Weight

In my quest for nutrition information I have researched a lot. Mario Kratz, Phd, has a Youtube channel that I watch called “NourishedByScience”. He has published some really convincing arguments for understanding weight gain and how to reverse it. One of his theories is that we will naturally eat until we no longer feel hungry. Different meals can vary in the number of calories consumed, which has a direct bearing on weight gain. A meal can be satiating, where we stop early, and therefore consume less calories. Another meal can take a lot more food to make us feel full, therefore increasing calorie consumption and therefore gain weight. This is what he calls the satiety index

Weight Loss and Insulin Resistance: Random notes

There’s nothing new here, only new to me. in time we will learn all we need to learn. In the meantime, keep a stiff upper lip and carry on..

Weight Loss

Moxibustion 艾灸 Chinese Medicine

Moxibustion 艾灸 ai4jiu3 is a type of Chines medicine where a dried herb, mugwort, is burned above the skin. I have never tried moxibustion.

If you do this at home, please be very careful and do not let the mugwort stick burn unattended, because it could cause a fire. If the ashes from moxa can cause burning, then it can cause a fire.

The risk associated with moxibustion is the accidental burn to the skin. After burning a moxa stick, the falling ash is at a high temperature. Anyone not paying attention to the ashes could be burned, so always remember to remove the ash from the moxa sticks during a moxibustion treatment

Hamilton Beach 1.7L Electric Glass Kettle 40865C: Maintenance

Hamilton-Beach 1.7L Electric Glass kettle 40865C

Hamilton-Beach 1.7L Electric Glass kettle 40865C

This electric glass kettle, the Hamilton-Beach 1.7L Electric Glass kettle, has been quite reliable over the last few years. It boils water quite quickly, faster than on our gas stove, which we have to turn on the fan and vent afterwards. It is also easy to clean. After a while the kettle stopped turning on, so I had to do a couple of things to it. Here is the user manual for reference. I did not see any replaceable parts available from Hamilton-Beach.

Thoughts on Positioning after Retinal Detachment Surgery

A gas bubble will be injected into your eye after retinal detachment surgery. This gas bubble will press the detached retinal area back into your eyeball, sort of like an internal clamp. The surgeon takes advantage of the gas bubble’s property of floating upwards, opposite of gravity. This is where the purposeful “positioning” of your head angle and its importance comes into play. Your surgeon will tell you how to position your head in order to have the gas bubble push on a specific part of your eye that he wants to clamp in place.

Peter Zeihan’s Thoughts on the World Economy: US and China

This is the train of thought from Peter Zeihan, of the US, whom I have been watching for a long time. It outlines how the global economy got to where we are and how we may progress in the future. Of course this is a US-biased view. His views on China are mostly spot on.

US as World Police and Globalization
After WW2 the US has been the policeman of the world, providing security on the seas and at global hotspots. This has allowed each country to specialize and trade with each other, what we call “globalization”, and it has reduced costs and allowed for the growth of wealth globally.

How to Build Muscle In Strength Training, In one sentence

“Do 5-30 good technique reps that take 2-9 seconds in mulitiple sets, taking those sets close to failure where the target muscle is the limiting factor, and repeat this approach as often as you are recovered enough to do so”

Dr Mike Israetel

So much knowledge is wrapped up in this one sentence. While it is not perfect, follow this, to the letter when you can, and you will go far in gaining strength and muscle. There is more “embellishment” required to be complete, so watch the video and then think about it.