Tag: 百度

Chongqing, China, Shapingba District: Mapping Exercise

Chongqing, China, 重庆,Shapingba District, 沙坪坝区 Google Maps in Chinese

Chongqing, China, 重庆,Shapingba District, 沙坪坝区 Google Maps in Chinese

A Chinese friend randomly sent me her GPS coordinates. She was on a highway, deep within Sichuan province, just outside of Chongqing. Because Chongqing, with a population greater than the whole population of Canada, 30.1M people (2015), is so huge, this meant that she was just on the outskirts of the city. Mapping her GPS coordinates, between Google and Baidu maps, was, as usual, confusing. Here is the exercise.

The original coordinates sent to me were 29.656019,106.444153, or 29°39’21.7″N 106°26’39.0″E, 7PX8MC4V+CM. 沙坪坝区 Shapingba My Windows PC returned this URL: https://www.google.com/maps/place/29°39’21.7″N+106°26’39.0″E/@29.650779,106.3959376,12z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d29.656019!4d106.444153?hl=zh-CN

China, Sichuan Province, Mianyang, Jiangyou City: Mapping

This is a mapping exercise deep in the heart of Sichuan Province, China. 四川省,绵羊区,江油市

Mianyang City 绵阳市 31.467938,104.680812 8P36FM9J+58 is about 120km north of Chengdu 成都市, Sichuan Province 四川省. Just north of Mianyang City is the Mianyang area. Within the area, 25km north is Jiangyou City 江油市 31.777563,104.745938 8P36QPHW+29

Mianyang City is about 120km north of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Google maps

Mianyang City is about 120km north of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Google maps

Just north of Mianyang City is the Mianyang area. Within the area, 25km north is Jiangyou City. Google Maps

Just north of Mianyang City is the Mianyang area. Within the area, 25km north is Jiangyou City. Google Maps

Sichuan Province, north of Chengdu, north of Mianyang City, is Jiangyou City. The population is about 4M people, about the same as Toronto. Baidu maps.

Sichuan Province, north of Chengdu, north of Mianyang City, is Jiangyou City. The population is about 4M people, about the same as Toronto. Baidu maps.

Jufuyuan Gongyu Hotel Fire, Xinjian Cun, Daxing District, Beijing, China: Images

Jufuyuan Gongyu hotel, Xinjian Cun, Daxing Qu, Beijing, China fire, killed 17 people. 2017 Nov 19. Prompted Beijing to expel migrant workers. Hotel front door. New Image taken between Nov 19 and Dec 04. Image updated 2017 Dec 03. Pretty impressive, Baidu

Jufuyuan Gongyu hotel, Xinjian Cun, Daxing Qu, Beijing, China fire, killed 17 people. 2017 Nov 19. Prompted Beijing to expel migrant workers. Hotel front door. New Image taken between Nov 19 and Dec 04. Image updated 2017 Dec 03. Pretty impressive, Baidu

The big fire in Xinjian Cun, Daxing District, Beijing, China at the Jufuyuan Gongyu Hotel killed 19 people, and sparked the forced expulsion of migrant workers in Xinjian Cun, followed by the destruction of all buildings. It was a tragic event that followed with some heavy handed government clampdown on migrant workers. For sure migrant workers deserve to be treated better, but after seeing some images I now wonder about the circumstances of the fire. Seventeen people were killed, and that is tragic, but the aftermath might also be 10s of thousands of migrant workers expelled from Beijing.

Xinjian Cun, Daxing District, Beijing, China: Fire, then Expulsion of Migrant Workers

China, Beijing, Daxing, Xinjian Cun, where the government has destroyed the neighbourhood of migrant workers and evicted everyone. South Gate

China, Beijing, Daxing, Xinjian Cun, where the government has destroyed the neighbourhood of migrant workers and evicted everyone. South Gate

A large fire in a Beijing 北京市 suburb Xinjian Cun 新建村, in the Daxing District 大兴区 that killed 17 people, has prompted Beijing authorities to urgently begin investigations into illegal buildings, resulting in the destruction of a Beijing suburb called Xinjian Cun. Most of the residents there are migrant workers, have had a difficult time finding new accommodations. Their businesses and buildings have been bulldozed. The migrant workers have been told to go back to their villages. This, a forced mass expulsion of Chinese people, from a Chinese city, and in the middle of winter.

Guangdong Province, Kaiping City, Changsha District, Lougang/Nanyang: Maps

China, Guangdong Province, Kaiping City, west 8km, Nanyang Village (Lougang). Google Maps

China, Guangdong Province, Kaiping City, west 8km, Nanyang Village (Lougang). Google Maps

A friend said his ancestral village was in China, Guangdong Province, Kaiping City, Changsha District and mentioned something about Lougang as the village name. The Google map he sent me was confusing, in that yes, it was Guangdong Province, but not exactly close to Kaiping City. I investigated.

Posting To Multi-Language Search Engines: Google, Baidu, Sogou, 360

Speaking Chinese and English, it is what I do. As my mother tongue is English and I live in Toronto, Canada, it was natural for me to post in English and use Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo and other English biased search engines. I also have the ability to speak and write in Chinese, so I often do bilingual posts just for fun. As I regularly monitor my raw access server log, I can see that Google, Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, Baidu, Sogou, 360, Yandex and other search engines regularly index my content. I wondered how well they index my posts, and if there are any hints and tips that might make getting my content indexed better.

Chinese Maps Compare: Google, 360, Sougou, Baidu 中国地图比较: 谷歌, 360, 搜狗, 百度

Maps, I do like. Not only are they pretty, they are pretty useful, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. Map and compass in hand, you can walk at your leisure and not get lost, or at least be able to get help from the locals when you do. But which maps are the best for China? I thought I’d do a map slugfest, comparing Google (line and satellite), 360, Sougou and Baidu. I chose 150 meters of Shandong, Changdao on Jiefang (Liberation) Road as an example.

我喜欢地图。 除了很漂亮意外, 它们也很好用,特别要是你对这个地方不熟悉。 地图和指南针zai 手里你可以随便走路不怕迷路, 或者一迷路可以让本地人给你帮忙。 在中国哪个地图最好呢? 我想比较, 用谷歌 (线的和卫星的), 360, 搜狗 和百度比较。 我选择了150米的山东长岛的解放路来比如。

In China: Baidu vs Google Maps

Spare time, I had, and wanted to see where someone was physically located in China. The place is a small town on the border of Shanxi and Inner Mongolia, on the Yellow River. What were the odds that I could find her exact location and get a satellite photo of her building?

I started using Google Maps, which was pretty helpful. Considering that Google is not allowed in China, they still had maps of the small city and specifically the 1km section of road that interested me. The sat photo showed great detail, as you can see, but the roads from the diagram did not coordinate very well with the sat map. In fact they were really so far off that some roads went underwater, like tunnels.

Identifying Chinese Search Engines

They have not caught on yet, as many Chinese search engines offer no explanation in English of their services, yet their bots are out there crawling all sites on the internet. I am trying to kill as many bots, scrapers, spiders, crawlers, and checkers as possible, and if I don’t find an explanation of what a site does, I’ll ban the user agent from my site. This might seem a little unfair, but I don’t want bots eating my bandwidth, and to have my ISP force me to pay more for hosting, all because they wish to crawl my site.