Tag: 请胡大学

China Limits Restaurants to 10 Foreigners in Wudao Kou, Beijing

Pyro Pizza, Beijing, Wudao Kou, 火鬼比萨, must limit foreigners to a maximum of 10, by government order. Here is the entrance from the main street. It is not very large.

Pyro Pizza, Beijing, Wudao Kou, 火鬼比萨, must limit foreigners to a maximum of 10, by government order. Here is the entrance from the main street. It is not very large.

Try, as I might, I cannot understand why the Beijing government would limit the number of foreigners that eat at local restaurants. This is in a university area. Yes, China’s National People’s Congress or NPC has started, but do government officials expect trouble from foreign university students?

Wudao Kou is an area very close by at least three large universities in Beijing: Beijing University, Qinghua University and the Beijing Foreign Language Institute.