A year ago Bell decided to install fiber optic on our street. For some reason they had cut squares into the sidewalk, which was filled in with asphalt. This year city contractors broke up and completely removed and replaced the complete sidewalk.
Bell Fibe install in Ontario. 2017 Sept 15, a year after, contracted city workers replace the sidewalk. photo by Don Tai
Bell Fibe install in Ontario. 2017 Sept 15, a year after, contracted city workers replace the sidewalk. photo by Don Tai
Bell Fibe install in Ontario. 2017 Sept 15, a year after, contracted city workers replace the sidewalk. photo 3 by Don Tai
Boulevard repaving, Toronto, Canada. The boulevard asphalt on my neighbours house is compressed by a roller machine. Photo8 by Don Tai
Toronto Hydro had dug up a section of my neighbour’s boulevard when Bell Canada came in to install their fiber optic cables. Hydro dug up a section of asphalt, did the repair, poured gravel down the hole, then repaved with asphalt. A month later the gravel and asphalt has settled. The City of Toronto then dug up the complete boulevard and repaved the bottom layer with asphalt. They will later return to complete the top layer with a finer asphalt.
A +4C snowfall followed by a -4C overnight freeze turns heavy, wet snow into ice that has the consistency of concrete.
We are from Toronto, Canada, and most of Canada regularly gets snow during the winter. As the snow falls from the sky it accumulates. This accumulation must be removed from the streets, sidewalks and private driveways in order for cars to safely drive on the street and for people to be able to safely walk on the sidewalk. There are times when you can leave the snow on your driveway and clear it away some time later, but in some specific conditions, waiting even 6 hours can make the job multiple times more difficult. These conditions include above freezing temperatures while the snow falls, followed by a quick below 0C freeze overnight, turning wet, heavy snow into a large block of ice.