Tag: error

NoFrills Website User Interface Error: Can you read this screen?

NoFrills grocery store web site has a selection screen of yellow buttons with white text. This colour contrast is so low and is very difficult to read.

NoFrills grocery store web site has a selection screen of yellow buttons with white text. This colour contrast is so low and is very difficult to read.

There are more than a few user interface errors on the NoFrills web site. Our family is a frequent shopper at NoFrills, the Canadian grocery store. Thankfully they are much better as a grocery store than they are at building and maintaining their website.

A couple of weeks ago they blocked me because I have an ad blocker. Really? I want to see your advertisement flyer, which is displayed on your site, and because I have an ad blocker you deny me the ability to see your flyer? Is not this counter-productive to my family buying from your store?

Google Translate Faux Pas error: My niece is not a prostitute

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

Google Translate error: My nephew and the prostitute came, should really be My nephew and niece came. GT substituted 侄女, zhinu or niece, for 妓女, jinu or prostitute.

I love Google translate, as it helps me translate new words. I do not rely on it for most words or comprehension. Usually it is pretty good, but at times it really misses even the rough meaning. In this rare case, Google Translate changed the meaning to something completely bizarre. My niece is not a prostitute, Mr Google. She would smack you hard if she could find you.

Major htaccess Error Causes Odd Apache Anomalies

For some odd reason my htaccess was banning some Bingbot and Yandexbot crawls, but there were others, such as University of Toronto, and I could not figure out why. I blamed my host provider, and I was incorrect. There was no other cache of IP blocks. It turned out to be, as usual, a user error. My user error.

Through the course of repeatedly bisecting my htaccess, I went through with my patient Big Weed, 12 times, until I isolated the errant code. It turned out to be syntactically correct but logically incorrect. As the syntax was fine, it passed my two htaccess syntax checkers. The error was, in CIDR format:

Online Enbridge/Enercare Satisfaction Survey leads to…An Error

I recently had a maintenance call for my furnace from Enbridge/Enercare in Toronto, Canada. In the end they sent me an online survey of a couple of questions, which I dutifully answered. This resulted in this error message. It looks like a database insertion error.

An unexpected error has occurred!
Error Message: Invalid index (parameter 2) passed to Row function. Index must be less than or equal to the row count. Index Value: 1 Row Count: 0 Function: row(@rows,1)

Description: An unexpected error occurred during the execution of the page.

Drupal 8: trusted_host_patterns error in settings.php

In my Drupal 8 install I was getting an error about not setting the trusted_host_patterns variable not being enabled, in settings.php. This setting is not under D8 admin control. You need to directly edit the settings.php file. Ok, not difficult.

Unfortunately I was getting a permissions error every time i tried to edit the file. I tried changing the permissions but to no avail. It seems like permissions for the folder above was set too low, so I had to change that first, before I was able to save my changes to settings.php. So I then log in to D8 to see if the change cleared the error. At this point it looks like D8, or my host, reset the folder and settings.php permissions to default. For me, permissions need to be reset every time I need to do a change.

Googlebot Errors caused by Errant htaccess rule

Difficult it was, this afternoon, after 7 days of Googlebot crawl error 500s, but I am learning. One htaccess regex line error was the cause. Hopefully it will go away.

I tried to compress some HTTP_USER_AGENT mod rewrite rules in my htaccess, into a single line, in order to shorten my htaccess, from:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*Go\ 1\.1 [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*Go\!Zilla [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*Go!Zilla [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*Go\-Ahead\-Got\-It [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*Go\-http [NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*Go[\ 1\.1|\!Zilla|\-Ahead\-Got\-It|\-http] [NC,OR]

Ubuntu 14.04 Chinese SunPinyin / Pinyin: Fixes

Chinese input is fun, for the warped mind that I am. Yes, it is exceptionally difficult to learn Chinese, but after that little hurdle, and significant eye strain, it is fun. Chinese input methods on Ubuntu 14.04 is somewhat confusing, as it is very easy to install, both for SunPinyin and Pinyin yet there are bugs. I installed SunPinyin, and when I could not input certain characters, also installed Pinyin. Here are the ones I found, and their fixes.

Pinyin Joe has installation instructions for Chinese, and the very many input methods. He also has a page for Ubuntu 14.04 Chinese bugs. This fixed the “学” xue bug in Pinyin, but not in SunPinyin.

Toshiba 32L1350UC LED TV Software Glitches

Moving from Rogers Cable to OTA TV necessitated the purchase of a new digital TV. We chose the 32″ Toshiba 32L1350UC because it was big enough and still able to fit into our existing multimedia cabinet.Overall the TV works remarkably well and is of high quality. There are a couple odd glitches that I have noticed.

I really wanted to get a larger TV, as the 32″ ones looked quite small in the showroom. I measured the distance from our couch to the TV and brought a measuring tape to the showroom. We measured out this distance to the TV. Surprisingly my kids said a 32″ was big enough, and there was no need to spend more money.

First try with Drupal on Site5

So my plan is to eventually migrate my website DonTai.com from Doteasy to Site5. I’ll use Drupal on Site5. Originally I wanted to get Drupal running on Site5, and then change my domain registrar. This way I don’t get any downtime on my site, not that this matters.

Interestingly, using Fantastico it was very easy to create a Drupal web site in my root directory. Fine. Unknown to me is the fact that the Drupal site is configured to http://dontai.com, which still points to my original site on Doteasy. I therefore cannot get to the new Drupal site using my domain name.