Requirements to wear a cloth face mask, by country is evolving. Starting in Asia, acceptance has spread worldwide. This is an evolving situation, with more countries mandating use with time and social acceptance.
“The Czech Republic is one of the few in Europe that has significantly slowed down the spread of the virus,” the narrator says. “The main difference is that everyone who has to leave their house has to wear a mask…
This mask design fits very well. It is double layer cotton, with a space between for filter material. The nose bridge has a metal insert for forming around your nose. Straps go around your neck and head. Photo1 by Don Tai
We don’t as yet have an epidemic with the corona virus CoVid-19, from originally from Wuhan, China, but i thought it prudent to research how to sew up some surgical-style face masks, just in case. These home made masks can possibly match the surgical-style mask.
This towel was purchased in China in 2016. I thought the design was a chemistry compound, but could not find anything in a Google search. I sent it to a Chinese chemist, who said it was not chemistry, but found it on Baidu Search! As did I. There are things on Baidu that you cannot find on Google Search. My towel is probably fake.
CHOC or ilovechoc towel, purchased in China in 2016. This is a street fashion brand from Hong Kong.
Yet again, some of China’s air quality PM 2.5 readings are off the chart. Literally, and this is really terrible for people’s health. PM 2.5 measures air pollution particles smaller than 2.5 microns, which when inhaled are too small for the body to remove, so they stay there forever.
China needs to do much better to protect the health of citizens. Pollution report
Air Quality PM2.5 2018 Dec 02 10:00 Toronto time, readings for China: Xi’an 592, Beijing 268 vs Toronto at 17. Terrible for your health.
South China Morning Post, a beacon of balanced pro and anti-China reporting
The South China Morning Post (SCMP) was purchased by Alibaba owner in 2016. Alibaba is a very large Chinese internet company. The ongoing question after the acquisition is if the SCMP is still unbiased, or will it bend to the views of China. This NY Times article highlights the concerns about the paper.
I am here, not to comment on the article, but to comment on the bias nature of the SCMP. Yes, there have been some very pro-China articles from SCMP, but they are more the minority and are equally balanced with anti-China articles. SCMP does find the right balance between the two. But for how long, is a question.
China is a sovereign country, the same as any other independent and the world must respect this. What is unique about China is their willingness to use any means to exert their influence far beyond Chinese jurisdiction. I see that here in Canada, but there are reports of the same tactics being used in Australia and New Zealand.
Tactics include: Funding education programs that have a pro-Chinese viewpoint
There is great concern here in Canada about their funding tactics. While it is great to encourage the study of Mandarin language, China is using this platform to teach a pro-Chinese viewpoint to very young kids. More than worrisome, this is meddling in the internal affairs of Canada. The Toronto District School Board had signed an agreement with this group, but the decision was reversed.
Hong Kong tattoo artist Joey Pang has a Chinese style similar to Chinese painting. Her work is very lovely. Complete with red chop. Ben ma 奔马
I am not really into tattoos, but these images are striking. Tattooing has a history in Japan, with their koi and large tsunami waves, but I never thought I would see Chinese shan shui art in tattoo form.
This SCMP article says she ran off with people’s money and currently lives in China, because she experienced a lot of stress from her work.