Malaysian Garam Masala Restaurant, Toronto, Canada, menu
Malaysian Garam Masala is located in Scarborough, Toronto, Canada at 1001 Sandhurst Circle 416-332-1922. It is in a small mall just East of McCowan and Finch.
They open from 16:00-01:00, so pretty late eating and only for dinner. There is an active KTV right beside them. We ordered the mee goreng and nasi goreng, both were very tasty. They take cash or debit, no credit cards. The feel of the restaurant is very laid back. Customers would help themselves to plastic glasses and water. Many would go to the back and talk to the cook while he was cooking. Most of the customers I saw were Indian, or at least browns.
Which Toronto Chinatown is better? Uptown or Downtown? I test both.
It is rare for me to visit Toronto’s downtown Chinatown because I live in North-East Toronto, where we have the highest concentration of Mainland Chinese in Toronto. Today we went to (Mountain Equipment Co-op) for cycling gear, so stopped and had lunch in Chinatown at Spadina and Dundas. Having not been there for many years, it was interesting.