I gave Rogers the heave ho, for both cable and internet, and feel better for it. Scummy, predatory, their service was. Over the air TV has replaced cable. It is not what we are used to, but saves us over $70 each month. Overall I would say that we are much better off without Rogers cable.
Over the air (OTA) TV is not all fantastic, though I did not know all the disadvantages and underestimated the advantages. I will discuss all I learned. With OTA we get 17 channels, which includes a couple of duplicate HD and SD channels, a French channel, though it comes in stunning HD, and a religious channel, also in stunning HD.
After 11 years with Rogers we pulled the internet plug and are trying Bell. Yes, there have been problems with the Bell installation, but if you know Toronto, Rogers and Bell you should have expected problems, and I did. In summary Bell Fibe does work, sort of, but my upload speed is no more than .7 MBps, 7% of what they told me I would get. There is also nothing I can do increase the upload speed. Apparently because I live 1.2 km from the central office the upload speed cannot increase, yet they did not tell me this when I signed up. I have been a Bell landline phone customer for 15 years, so they should be fully aware of my location.
We do not have the latest and greatest TV, so when some kid’s TV channels started disappearing, I called Rogers, here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They said that I needed a box between my analog tv and the input cable, and that I could pick one up, no charge, from a local Rogers store, and they told me the address. I went to that local Rogers store today and they were out of stock, a box was not reserved for me and I should call back to the store to get one because they do not know when these boxes come in. Thanks a lot Rogers. My experience with your company was decidedly negative.