Tag: snowfall

Toronto Snowfall 2017 November 10

This is the first snowfall of the winter season for Toronto, Canada, and a blustery -10C, a far cry from yesterday’s +6C, and also colder than the expected +6C next week.

Snowfall in Toronto, 2017 Nov 10. Photo by Don Tai

Snowfall in Toronto, 2017 Nov 10. Photo by Don Tai

By mid-day the snow had melted from my driveway, but there was still icy patches in local parking lots. Since tonight will go down to -8C if there were more accumulation I would shovel. Tomorrow and the next 4 days are all above zero.

First Snowfall, Toronto, Canada, Dec 27 2012

Always very beautiful, the season’s first snowfall is a joyous ocassion here in Toronto, Canada. This year the first snowfall came very late, today, December 27 2012. It started last night, but when we woke up we had over 10cm of snow.

Winter First Snowfall, Toronto, Canada, Dec 27 2012. Photo by Don Tai

Winter First Snowfall, Toronto, Canada, Dec 27 2012. Photo by Don Tai

Note a couple of things in the photo. Today was garbage day, so we have green bins for compostable (not yet picked up) and grey bins for non-recyclable garbage. These have already been picked up. The black blob in the treetop of the middle tree is a squirrel nest. This is where they hibernate over the winter. There is a streetlight on the left of the photo, which goes on in the night.