Tag: sugar

Weight Loss, How to Lose Weight: My Learnings, Hints and Tips

Weight loss, from a conceptual viewpoint is actually quite simple, but there are so many nuances that make it quite difficult to achieve and maintain an ideal weight. Your body is designed by evolution, with vestiges from long-past times. Your body will do all it can to not allow you to diet down and die because you ran out of energy. To understand how this mechanism works will help you reduce down to a healthy weight.

Yogurt 0%mf: Astro Original vs Yoplait Source Zero

Think, you would, that two brands of yogurt that are both 0% milk fat, that they would taste the same. But oh no, they taste very different. We usually buy Yoplait Source Zero yogurt, but there was a sale at our local Chinese store on Astro Original with 0% m.f., so I bought some. It turns out the Astro is terribly sweet, and for good reason: at 12 g of sugar, or 1 tablespoon, it has 3 times the sugar than Source Zero. We won’t be fooled again by Astro Original.

Obesity, Supersizing and the Poison that is Sugar

Could we be poisoning ourselves with the supposedly benign substance we consume, that we call sugar? There are a lot of mysteries that plague our society: rampant obesity, the prevalence of diabetes, and many new heath scares. I saw The Men Who Made us Fat on tv yesterday, and it was shocking. You can watch the ,a href=”https://vimeo.com/search?q=The+men+who+made+us+fat”>3 part series in Vimeo.

Obesity is rampant. It is even seen in elementary school kids. This is shocking. Kids run all day and play like, well, kids. How can they become overweight? While I continue to struggle to loose a little more, and to not put more on, I am puzzled by what I see around me. Is it inevitable for us to become obese when past generations did not have this problem? Is this a first-world problem?

Cookie Recipe for those with a Milk Allergy

Shule Cookie Press: Mostly aluminum, 20 dies and well constructed. Cookie dough consistency is key to success.

My big Weed has a milk allergy from little, so our family almost never cooks with milk products. We have become very adapt at modifying recipies to exclude milk. As we recently purchased a Shule Biscuit cookie press, we found a lovely recipe, which we had to substitute “no milk proteins” margarine for butter. Little did we know that not all margarines are the same.