Tag: tanyadokterkeluarga.blogspot.in

tanyadokterkeluarga.blogspot Referrer Spam: Research, Ban

tanyadokterkeluarga.blogspot is a persistent referrer spammer. They use a huge amount of Ip addresses that do not repeat the third octet. It has similar strategies to kosmetik-freaks.blogspot, in fact sharing identical IP ranges. They are sister referrer spammers. Both are not banned by the HTTP_REFERER in htaccess. If you kill one you kill the other, a nice double prize. As with the sister, this spammer runs out of Indonesia.

These are the referrers:

kosmetik-freaks.blogspot Referrer Spam: Research, Ban

This kosmetik-freaks.blogspot is a referrer spammer that has been harassing me for quite a long time. I have tried to ban them with an HTTP_REFERER ban but this does not work. My ISP, Site5, will not help me. They are predominantly out of Indonesia. They are pret103.47.135.43
too sophisticated to evade my detection for so long.

The sister referrer spammer is tanyadokterkeluarga.blogspot, which uses the identical method and largely shares the same IP ranges. When you kill one you kill the other. Almost all these UAs are mobile devices, leading me to believe these are mobile customers that have downloaded the same spam app.