Tag: 边控

China’s Border Control: Exit Ban or Bian Kong

China is well known for its ability to detain foreigners from exiting the country. It is often used to settle business conflict between foreigners and Chinese companies. The Chinese company contacts the police to say that a foreigner has not paid or lived up to some business dealing and Chinese border control puts a ban on the foreigner’s exit. These are called “exit bans“.

Bian kong, “边控“, short for bianjing kongzhi, “边境控制” is a system that can bar a foreigner from leaving China. We normally call it an “exit ban”



目前国内关于边控的相关法律规定,主要是外国人出入境管理法、 《中华人民共和国公民出入境管理法》 (以下简称“两法”)和最高法院、最高检察院、公安部、国家安全部印发的《关于依法限制外国人和中国公民出境问题的若干规定》 (以下简称《若干规定》)以及公安部发布的一些部门规章等。总体上讲,这些规定比较原则,在适用中还需要不断地加以完善