Tag: gas

Sears Kenmore 30″ Gas Stove Igniter Orifice Cleaning

Sears Kenmore Self-Standing 30" gas stove model number 223 674 132 10 as well as 790-74132, gas burner, cap on, will not ignite and needs cleaning. Igniter is on the right, in white, with a center electrode.  Toronto, Canada, Photo by Don Tai

Sears Kenmore Self-Standing 30″ gas stove model number 223 674 132 10 as well as 790-74132, gas burner, cap on, will not ignite and needs cleaning. Igniter is on the right, in white, with a center electrode. Toronto, Canada, Photo by Don Tai

It has been 2.5 years since we bought our Kenmore 30″ freestanding self-clean gas stove from Sears. The stove is item # is 223 674 132 10 as well as 790-74132. Recently the center burner of our 5 burners has become difficult to ignite. Here is how to clean it.

The Rise and Fall of Automotive Fuel Prices 2014-2015

Ridiculous, is the rise and fall of automotive fuel in North America/the World, where the OPEC nations have decided to flood the world market with their oil, thus drastically reducing prices. The repercussions, surprisingly, are markedly in the favour of the OPEC nations.

The Fallacy that Canadians Want Smaller Cars

As a nation Canadians talk large about the need to conserve energy and treat Mother Nature with more respect, i.e. let’s not continually hurt her. In many examples, recycling of food and consumer packaged goods comes to mind, here in Toronto I feel we are doing a very good job. Yet when you look around out streets I continually see a large proportion of very big personal vehicles such as SUVs. These new vehicles, while professing energy efficiency, do the exact opposite when used only by a single driver.

Retail Gasoline Prices Worldwide vs Canada

This post is to remind myself that we actually have reasonable gas prices here in Toronto, Canada, even at $1.40CAD/litre. If we are to encourage people to drive smaller, more efficient cars, I think gas prices need to ride even more. If the tax from gas would only go towards improving public transit, people would not drive as much, resulting in less road traffic. All money converted to CAD where possible.

Paying Lip Service to Conserving Gas

Cycle Commuting in Sydney, Australia

Cycle Commuting in Sydney, Australia

It is clearly evident by the popularity of large SUVs here in Toronto that many Canadians here merely pay lip service to conserving the world’s diminishing gas supplies.

I see them every day driving their large vehicles to work, the only person in their SUV. Do they think they impress other people? Maybe they feel good driving such a monster? I’m not sure, but they certainly waste a whole lot more gas than they should.