For the CoVid-19 response, Dr Anders Tegnell, a Swedish epidemiologist, advised the Swedish government to remain open, and allow Swedes to auto-inoculate, what is called “herd immunity”. The resulting death toll would be much higher, but there would be more natural immunity in society. It was a bold step that countered the rest of the world, who locked down their societies.
Xie Yang, a Chinese Lawyer, tortured in Changsha, China, Jul 2015, is still in jail in the Changsha City Public Security No. 2 Detention Center. He has not been released.
Here I am, in Toronto, Canada, reading this translation about the torture of a Chinese lawyer, a human rights lawyer, Xie Yang 谢阳, in Changsha, China. I’m just not used to this kind of abuse on another human being. Yes, I’m soft. Under Canada’s legal system, torture in order to get a conviction would lead to the exclusion of all documents and evidence gained while under torture. This is just and fair. Evidence gained while using torture cannot be considered credible nor truthful. When someone fears for their life or the lives of their family and friends, they will admit to anything if pushed sufficiently hard. Truth is more important than just getting a conviction, as you may be convicting the wrong person. is a Swedish VPN service that is comment spamming my site.
Observation: – PrivActually
host CYBERDYNE Monrovia I did not realize that I had banned this before. If this changes I will hunt it down again. There are a few IPs that have used this host name. They continue to content scrape me.
Add 46.246. to the two octets in the host name.
Kik content scraper bots sent me this IP from Kik uses single IPs from all over North American ISPs, and they’re now expanding globally. Kik content scrapes my site daily, so it is in my best interest to stop them.
Just for fun I translated from Swedish to English, “bredbandsbolaget” translates to “broadband company”! LOL! provides TV, internet and telephone in Sweden. They have a web site. After the ip address the next set of numbers before the “cust” might be the Swedish telephone number, starting with the area code. Then again maybe not, as some have hex