Caroma Tazman 270 dual flush toilet, front view, Photo 02 by Don Tai
My Caroma Tazman 270 1.6L dual flush toilet has been going strong for over 22 years, quite astounding when you think about our throw-away society. Made in Australia, it was well rated when I bought it. As I recall at the time the City of Toronto had a $150 rebate on for dual flush toilet replacements, so I replaced two. The instructions that came with the toilet date back to 2002 Aug 15.
After living in China for a while, few things really get under my skin. One is the incessant spitting. The other is the toilet paper situation in Chinese public washrooms. Thank goodness here in Canada we always seem to have toilet paper in public washrooms. As for spitting, yes, when Chinese people come to Canada they also bring their spitting, though it is not as prevalent.
In general, almost universally, there will be no toilet paper in Chinese public washrooms. This includes restaurants. You need to come prepared, as all Chinese people are. Wallet? Check. Keys? Check. Toilet Paper?…

Older American Standard Ballcock fill valve. Use Google Search images to find your valve type. There are many different ones.
Recently the water pipes on my street were refurbished. as a result a lot of gunk they scraped off was flushed through my water system. Shortly after my older American Standard toilet started acting up, like it was not getting water into the tank. While there are a lot of sites and videos that show you how to replace the ballcock fill valve there are none that show you how to repair it. Here is how I repaired mine. It was very easy.