Wu Tang Clan logo hijacked with Wuhan, used by the Canadian Embassy, who called themselves the Wuhan Clan. Clever, and witty.
The Wu Tang Clan is a 1990s New York rap group. I’m not too familiar with them because I don’t listen to rap much. What does this have to do with China then? It seems that the Canadian Embassy in China called themselves the Wuhan Clan, a funny pun on the rap group, and used the Wu-Tang group’s logo, replacing Wu-Tang with Wuhan. This, by the way, was almost a year ago, when the Canadian Embassy was repatriating Canadians back to Canada.
Requirements to wear a cloth face mask, by country is evolving. Starting in Asia, acceptance has spread worldwide. This is an evolving situation, with more countries mandating use with time and social acceptance.
“The Czech Republic is one of the few in Europe that has significantly slowed down the spread of the virus,” the narrator says. “The main difference is that everyone who has to leave their house has to wear a mask…
This corona virus, CoVid-19, originally from Wuhan, China, has decimated parts of China, and especially Wuhan. China’s control strategies were brutal. Here in the West we cannot implement the rough measures that China took. Instead we have opted for rigorous contact tracing investigations, blocking borders and social distancing. I don’t know if this will be sufficient to control the virus. We can only wait and see. For certain, our regular way of life must change, We’re not going back to normal, and for many months.
This mask design fits very well. It is double layer cotton, with a space between for filter material. The nose bridge has a metal insert for forming around your nose. Straps go around your neck and head. Photo1 by Don Tai
We don’t as yet have an epidemic with the corona virus CoVid-19, from originally from Wuhan, China, but i thought it prudent to research how to sew up some surgical-style face masks, just in case. These home made masks can possibly match the surgical-style mask.
It is always difficult to see someone die after they did the right thing and told the truth. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist in Wuhan, China, did just that. For telling is circle of 8 doctor friends about a new virus spreading through his hospital, he was called to the police station and made to sign a confession for speaking out without authorization from the higher authorities. His friend circle were fellow doctors. He would later die from the very disease, CoVid-19, that he talked about.
Yet again, some of China’s air quality PM 2.5 readings are off the chart. Literally, and this is really terrible for people’s health. PM 2.5 measures air pollution particles smaller than 2.5 microns, which when inhaled are too small for the body to remove, so they stay there forever.
China needs to do much better to protect the health of citizens. Pollution report
Air Quality PM2.5 2018 Dec 02 10:00 Toronto time, readings for China: Xi’an 592, Beijing 268 vs Toronto at 17. Terrible for your health.
The Wuhan Shengshi Yangguang Jiudian, also called the Wuhan Shengshi Sunshine Hotel, 武汉盛世阳光酒店
地址: 455 Han Yang Da Dao, Hanyang Qu, Wuhan Shi, Hubei Sheng, China, 430072 汉阳区汉阳大道457号(地铁四号线五里墩B出口步行500米可至)
Plus code: 8P2PH62W+PJ
GPS: 30.551812,114.246563, but this will not be accurate in China
The hotel is right beside the Wuhan Huaxi Hospital 武汉华西医院, west of the Hanyang Train Station subway stop 汉阳后车站 and east of the Wulidun subway 五里墩, line 4. The hotel is rated 4.1/5
A friend at Tongji University, Shanghai. Using his GPS coordinates of 31.2820193,121.5083353 he is at the red pin., but this time over 500m west north west of his Google location Baidu Maps.
A friend is visiting China and has graciously allowed me, through Google, to follow him. I provide location advice as i can read Baidu’s Chinese maps. This time I was able to use his GPS coordinates and track him on Google and Baidu Maps. Now you would think that two mapping systems would give you near identical results, but no, they do not.