Happy Valentine’s Day, and someone loves me out there on the Internet, because they used a botnet to try to break into my site. You are very welcome, whomever you are, but I am trying to find out who is my secret admirer.
There are 12 IPs involved. The each try 2 times.
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.89 Safari/537.36
Today I received a massive 1,000 line scraper attack from spbot, from OpenLinkProfiler.org. The ip address is, a Digital Ocean IP, which I have banned. I’ve also added spbot to by robots.txt. Sent a complaint letter to Digital Ocean at abuse@digitalocean.com:
Hi there,
Today I received a 1000 line scrape from one of your IP addresses:
The UA is Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; spbot/5.0.3; +http://OpenLinkProfiler.org/bot )
Please have them cease their scraping activity as it unnecessarily uses up my bandwidth and CPU time.
I have included today’s log entry with their activity: