Coors Canada pulls beer ad that mocked ‘cold’ Toronto
I‘ve lived in Toronto most of my life. Toronto is my home and I really like the city. Each city I’ve visited or lived has advantages and disadvantages. The recent British Columbia Coors Canada ad pokes fun at Toronto’s expense. There were complaints to Coors Canada, who decided to remove the ads. Ironically I interpret this as conclusive proof that Torontonians need to stop being so arrogant and laugh a little at themselves.
As a marketing campaign I think the Coors Canada campaign was brilliant. Anywhere except in Toronto, including the Greater Toronto Area, Toronto is known as “Hog Town”. It might be an old reference to when Toronto was the epicentre of pig slaughter in the 1920s or so, but usually it is means that Torontonians are pigs. Spoilt, arrogant, pretentious. Toronto even called in the army one year due to an extra heavy snowfall. Coors Canada capitalizes on this unstated feeling towards Toronto by the rest of Canadians, as the basis for their campaign.
I really have to agree that Torontonians, when compared to visits to other Canadian and other cities, is a little cold and relatively unfriendly. Further, if Torontonians had a little more self-confidence, they would have laughed with the rest of Canada at the cuteness of the Coors Canada campaign. Instead they pouted, and called the company to complain. Is there any further proof required that Torontonians are cold?
As a marketing campaign the Coors Canada had got free press, got noticed, got some laughs, promoted their product, was not sexually, religiously nor legally offensive and, indirectly it showed all of Canada how sensitive Torontonians can be when you jest at their expense. I’d rate this campaign as excellent.
To all Torontonians, grow up. Let’s laugh at ourselves. The rest of Canada knows we are a little cold, because it’s true. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s part of our city culture.
May your beverage of choice be colder than most people from Toronto.
I found Torontonians to be more challenging to become friends, because everyone is so busy with their lives. However, after the initial shell is breached, Torontonians have rich lives to share.
I prefer this to some large cities that I’ll leave unnamed, where people are initially welcoming, but then don’t have enough content to maintain a conversation.
I could say that it’s the cold winters that bind us together, but Toronto isn’t the coldest place in winters, relative to other places further north.