City of Toronto, Scarborough Bylaw Enforcement

Scarborough, Toronto, Canada bylaw investigation and enforcement can be reached at:

Scarborough Civic Centre
150 Borough Drive
Toronto, ON M1P 4N7
Hours of Operation: 8:30 – 4:30
Information Line: 416-396-7071 Fax: 416-396-5650

Bill Blakes, Manager
Tel.: 416-396-8221

I tried calling Bill Blakes, but he does not answer nor pick up his calls. The Information Line took my complaint and said they would dispatch an investigator. Note that it can take up to 70 hrs for an investigator to arrive, but they do eventually arrive.

I often call non-emergency Toronto police. Their number is 416-808-2222, where you can report street lights off, traffic lights that malfunction, broken street signs, or minor fender benders. For major events call 911.

For neighbours parking their vehicles on sidewalks, call the police number at 416-808-2222 and ask for parking enforcement. They will dispatch someone to your area. Parking on the sidewalk blocks access for children, pedestrians and parents with strollers.

The City of Toronto has a three hour limit for street parking on all streets. If you find someone parking in front of your house and this bothers you then you can call, but note that the Parking Authority will ticket ALL the cars on the street and vicinity, not just the one you asked about.

Parking on the sidewalk is illegal. Parking on the space between the sidewalk and the road, called the boulevard, is also technically illegal, but tolerated. If you are nice to your neighbours they will not complain. Home owners do not own the sidewalk or boulevard. These are owned by the City of Toronto.

7 thoughts on “City of Toronto, Scarborough Bylaw Enforcement

  1. Bear

    If homeowners do not own the sidewalk or boulevard, should the city be billed for snow removal and landscaping, since these are owned by the City of Toronto?

  2. Toronto

    If your living on a side street and only have two lanes one going in each direction then there shouldn’t be any vehicles allowed to park on the street. If you live on large streets such as Kingston Road where there is 6 lanes three going in each direction then you should be allowed to park on the street from 9am to 7am Mon-Fri on the north side and 6pm to 4pm Mon – Fri south side without any problems. No one should be complaining. There is more than enough room and access through the streets that are like this. There is just no parking during the designated rush hour times which is understandable. Most dwellings on Kingston don’t have parking or don’t have above ground parking for the larger size vehicle to park. So if a person is parking on a multi-lane street then stop your whining and complaining because it’s not blocking any reasonable flow of traffic. Only people who live on limited side streets of two lanes should have any right to complain because it then becomes a road hazard when one lane is blocked by a park car. Only those vehicles on side streets of two lanes deserve to get ticketed.

    [Don: This Toronto bylaw covers all streets in the municipal City of Toronto. This blanket rule can be overridden by additional bylaws that permit or deny street parking at designated times. If you have an issue with parking bylaws on Kingston Road, which I agree is very wide, then take them up with your city councilor. Lack of or inadequate parking spaces is an important issue.]

  3. deo salvacion

    My crazy neighbour doesn’t shovel the snow on my side which is my property line…and doesn’t want me to go there because we have an argument last couple of years. Is this against city by-laws not shovelling the snow on my side..I’im afraid near future it will destroy my side of the house and leak will start dropping to my basement which might cause lot of money to fix this. Please tell share some information regarding this issues, so we have peace of mind of resolving it.

    Thank you

    [Don: Hi Deo, the best thing to do is call 311 and ask if an inspector can come out to answer your questions. The city is pretty good at answering such bylaw questions. Not shovelling snow on your side might leak water into you basement, causing a flood. Good luck, Don]

  4. Cecil Harrington

    On our street, 38 Catalina Drive the owner has a used car lot. His driveway is a one lane with a single car garage. He started construction on the front part of his house without a permit. He has now made the front part of his house a parking lot. At times he will have up to 10 cars parked, across the front of his house and down the driveway. He uses his driveway to store cars from his used car lot.

    He uses the driveway to repair his cars etc. brake jobs etc. Before he laid gravel down on the front of his house, he would double park his vehicles and if he had to many he would park them across the front lawn.

    There have been many complaints by different neighbours but nothing ever is done. I have registered at least 3 complaints. When I call all I get is the case has been closed. They will not tell me anything else. We would like to know why.

    You hear every year about residence down by the CNE using their front lawns as parking lots. They are penalized. But with this owner, nothing is ever done. I am at the point that I want my taxes reduced because this guy is driving down my house value.

    Can you please provide an answer.

    [Don: I have had extremely limited to no success with City of Toronto bylaw enforcement, so cannot offer any success stories. They take the complaint, then send out bylaw enforcement, log it and inform the owner. That is it. Repeat complaints have no effect.

    You could talk to bylaw enforcement about an illegal business operating in a residence. Certainly parking on his lawn or on the road overnight you could call the parking enforcement. I would contact your city councilor and ask his/her advice about next steps.

    Unfortunately I find bylaw enforcement needs a councilor to push them to do corrective action.]

  5. Joe Ficociello

    Parking concern at Silver Star road, Scarborough where Two(2) 53 foot trailers have been staged for more than a week (7 days) and as of July 2 Two more are now staged with no info regarding the ownership of the trailers.
    This is causing problem for our site for short term parking and staging of dump trucks and concrete truck.
    At your earliest convenience please have them remove it they are in controvert to the by-law.


  6. Cecil

    My Landlord refuses to do any maintenance in the basement thereby leaving many issues a health hazard. Fridge not cooling since 5 months, pipe under the sink not connected to the sink outlet, bath tub has rust in it, roaches that never stops and come from all corners. I contacted the city and only after I followed up after 5 days that the inspector respond. But it seems that he addresses only maintenance issues.

    What happens to issues like invasion of privacy where the landlord or his wife just Tap the door to come in without any prior notice?.
    Access to an internal storage in the basement that invades my privacy.
    The lNdlird has his things in the basement like 2, 3 seat sofas with one stood up against the wall.
    Refusal to take the rent just because I did not oblige his request to leave?
    Do I have to contact the LTB and wait months or us there any other department or Agency that I can contact to stop this from happening.

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