City of Toronto Tree Pruning, Spring 2017

City of Toronto arborist and his chipper machine. They prune trees, then chip the downed branches. Toronto, Canada 2017, Don Tai

City of Toronto arborist and his chipper machine. They prune trees, then chip the downed branches. Toronto, Canada 2017, Don Tai

My neighbour’s tree dropped a large branch during a windstorm. A couple of days later the City of Toronto tree guys, called arborists, are here with their special truck and chipper to tidy things up.

Every spring the City of Toronto has their tree specialists, called arborists, that come around to inspect the city trees. These are trees that grow between the sidewalk and the street, called the boulevard. These trees are not owned by the homeowner. Any tree on the property of the homeowner is their responsibility.

The City of Toronto arborist has a large truck with a crane-like device that has a bucket on the end. This truck is called a cherry picker. This allows the arborist to safely go up high into the tree. There are usually at least 2 people per team. In the photo the second person was behind the truck cab. Behind the truck in yellow is a machine called a chipper. The crew throw all the cut branches into the chipper, which chews them down to small wood bits, called wood chips, and throws them into the back of the truck.

The pole in his hand is a hand held branch cutter. He also has a small chainsaw for larger branches.

City of Toronto arborist and his chipper machine. They prune trees, then chip the downed branches. Toronto, Canada 2017, Don Tai

City of Toronto arborist and his chipper machine. They prune trees, then chip the downed branches. Toronto, Canada 2017, Don Tai

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