Canada Election 2021 DRO kit, ballot box, ballots, lots of papers. Photo by Don Tai

2021 Elections Canada ID, ruler and sample ballots. Photo by Don Tai
Pesonal DRO Tips:
- When you are initially counting your ballots at the election office, on the front mark the ballot ranges and the number of ballots left over from this book onward. On the back mark the number of the last ballot. This allows you to quickly know how many ballots are left in your stash, very useful when closing
- For the initial count, curl the book slightly and use your thumb to flip the corner. This will allow you to count the ballots a lot faster. For 750 ballots it will still take you over an hour.
- I put all my new ballot books into a special fanny pack. This separates them from all the other stuff in your kit. When you need a new book, or must run for some reason, the fanny pack is easily identified and familiar to you. More clarity and less complexity will help you when you are dog tired.
- Ensure you have enough paper clips and some masking tape. For 750 ballots you will need 75 paper clips, one for 10 counterfoils. I use a magnetic paper clip dispenser, with elastic bands partially covering the mouth, so that you don’t spill paper clips everywhere.
- Tape your counterfoil bag to the left side of your desk, making it easy to not lose any
- Go through your closing envelope. Prefill all the envelopes with your district and poll number, before election day, in pen. Prefill the candidate envelopes. Not only will you familiarize yourself with the numerous envelopes, but you will save effort when you are fresh, rather than at the end of the night when you are a wreck and spent.
- There two final tally “Statement of Vote” envelopes that are critical: A white and a yellow envelope. The pink copy must be kept by the DRO. On the yellow envelope write your district and poll number, and “inside the box”. At closing this copy goes into the ballot box before you seal it. On the white envelope write your district and poll number, and “outside the box”. At closing this copy and the ballot box are returned to the local office. Do not seal this white copy inside your ballot box.
- The night before, review all your books. Though they cover the most critical topics, not everything is covered in the tutorial session. There are a couple of other books, such as this year’s CoVid-19 infection control procedures.
- For election night only, in your books cross out all the early voting procedures. These will be clearly marked. At the end of the election night it will be easier for you to understand.
- While you are a DRO, you are also one of the team, responsible for the smooth operation of the polling station. You need to know a bit about everything. Keep this in mind when you are reviewing your books. If you see something not correct, speak up.
- There are two copies of the Voter List: One for the registration officer and one for the DRO. The DRO version will have the check boxes.
- If a voter needs a change of info, registration, voting status, transfer, helper, qualification or vouching, send them back to the registration officer. This splits the work and frees the DRO up.
- Consider putting up a safety screen to the left of your desk. When people have finished voting and hand you back their ballot, they often will go too close to you. You then cannot social distance.
- When initially taping up and sealing your ballot box, at the bottom of the ballot box use an extra side tape to tape down the box seams on the inside. Do this and you will not allow any ballots to slip in under the inside flaps. At the end of the night you will be very tired, and may not notice a ballot has slipped in under the seam, which will throw off your count.
- During the election, use a paperclip and collect ballot counterfoils in packs of 10. In this way you can easily count the number of ballots already given to voters and therefore in your box. Count 10 packs and you have 100 ballots. During busy times you will not have time to do this, but when you are free, collect counterfoils together. During the day and at the end of the night it will be easier to account for all ballots.
- After you have a voter’s card or ID, here is the proper order of work:
- Cross off their name on the list. Keep the ruler on their name and under the check box area.
- Keep their voter card as a reminder
- Write down their sequence number on the sequence number control sheet. Each voter has a unique sequence number
- prepare the ballot (ensure you have initialed the back, then folded it)
- Give the voter the ballot. They will then choose the candidate and make a mark
- At this point you can call the next voter and do the ID check, but do not do anything else until you complete the initial voter. Mixing up two voters is very bad. Have the second voter wait until the first voter returns and you have completely processed them
- Take back the ballot from the voter, rip off the counterfoil, put the counterfoil in the counterfoil bag
- Give the ballot to the voter to put into the ballot box
- check off the check box beside the voter’s name
- put the voter card into the voter card bag
- Yu may now process the second voter, who is waiting
If they have no voter ID card, you will need to be especially careful because the voter card will not trigger your memory to do the final steps. The desk is a busy place with a lot of people and distractions, so it is easy to be called and forget where you were in the process. If you have no poll clerk it is even more mentally taxing. You really need to concentrate on each and every step, because leaving out any step will make accounting at the end of the night more difficult.
- Initial one book of ballots at a time. When the voter is making her mark, you can use this “in between time” to initial unused ballots. Use a piece of paper to keep track of where you have not yet initialed.
- Folding the ballot. Fold 1/3d, fold again, rip off until the darker area of the ballot. Turn the ballot over and view your initials. If you do not see your initials, then you must remember to initial the ballot. Try to figure out why the ballot was not yet initialed, as you have made a mistake. Only then give the ballot to the voter.
- Don’t worry about the hourly collection of the sequence number sheets. Let the RO or CPS worry about proper hourly collection. Let them also fill in the district and polling number for you. The DRO has enough to concentrate on, especially without a poll clerk
- At the end of the night you will be really dog tired. After election close, after you open the ballot box, you will need to call out the votes for each ballot, and then do a count for each candidate. Have someone else do a second count to corroborate your count. it is easy to make a counting mistake. let someone else d othe mental math to reconcile the count
- At the end of the night, if you wrote the number of ballots left on the front of your book, it will be easy to calculate how many unused ballots are left. The total number of ballots less the number of unused ballots equals the number of ballots used
- Before you seal the box, find the seal sheet. Select one long seal and write the seal number down on the seal sheet. Ensure you put the seal sheet into the ballot box before you finally seal the box.
Good luck!