Robert Dziekanski holds a small table at the Vancouver Airport in this image from video. He was then killed by the RCMP.
It comes as no surprise that the four RCMP officers that repeatedly tasered Polish visitor Robert Dziekanski at the Vancouver Airport, Canada over two years ago were deemed negligent in oh so many ways. Unprepared, uncoordinated, tried to cover up and lied to a Canadian Royal Commission. At least the Commission came to the same conclusion of most other people who watched the video: The RCMP was clearly out of control.
I had a much better view of the RCMP and had thought that they would act much more humanely than the Toronto Police Force, but this case clearly shows I am wrong. The Canadian people can only hope that the RCMP change and change quickly.
This group of officers attacked Robert Dziekanski without a coordinated plan, with no warning to him, and without any attempt at deescalation of the tense situation. They then got together in order to coordinate their statements and collectively lied to the commission under oath. “Inconsistent testimony” is the more politically correct term used.
While the four may not be charged with this visitor’s death, I hope that their careers with the RCMP and any other police force in the world is quickly ended. That’s the least they should get for getting away with murder. They were negligent in duty and irresponsible in their actions. How did anyone allow these four the ability to carry a dangerous weapon like a taser and use it as they sought fit, which was clearly irresponsibly.
Here in Canada we treat animals for slaughter better than how the RCMP treated Robert Dziekanski at the Vancouver International. This is shameful to the people of Canada. Could this same situation and result occur again at another Canadian airport?
Note: The Braidwood Inquiry has completed, and as expected, the RCMP should not have tasered Robert Dziekanski. Not only that, the officers lied to cover their mistakes.
A public inquiry into the death of Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski at the Vancouver Airport has found that the officer who fired the Taser five times at the unarmed man was not justified in using the weapon.
Murder by the police should not happen anywhere, much less my home country. These four officers will likely not get charged. If we could only turn back the hands of time and bring Robert back, but this is impossible. Canada prides itself on multiculturalism, but it failed Robert. New country, first and long airline flight, not knowing English, all these could be overcome with care and concern for a fellow human’s well being. This was not done by the RCMP and casts a dark shadow on all Canadians.