Toronto Map: Google vs Baidu Maps

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I‘ve pretty much proved this, but in North America Google Maps is much better than Baidu. Here are maps from Downtown Toronto, near Bloor and East of Yonge Streets. Google Maps has actual street names and buildings. Baidu has only restaurants. Google’s satellite map is also really good. I could have also zoomed in for greater detail. Hands down, Google wins on English maps of Toronto.

Charles Street, near  Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, Google Maps

Charles Street, near Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, Google Maps

Charles Street, near  Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, Baidu Maps

Charles Street, near Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, Baidu Maps

Charles Street, near  Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, satellite, Google  Maps

Charles Street, near Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, satellite, Google Maps

1 thought on “Toronto Map: Google vs Baidu Maps

  1. Baidufan4sho

    LOL not a biased article at all. Three pictures one of a zoomed in Google view vs a zoomed out Baidu view and even then Baidu’s actually has more locations and details than Google does.

    It is true that Baidu doesn’t do local searches very well for North America. There’s this intricacy about how you search for things on the app but regardless it takes much less time to reroute (one of Google’s biggest fail moments) takes you on very good very customizable routes (you can select between many different options for what you want the Baidu AI to focus on) and it gives many more clear directions than Google does. I can’t tell you how often Google Maps would tell me to go straight and then not 5 seconds later while I’m doing 50mph will it then tell me I should take this exit that I’m wizzing by already. Then comes the rerouting. Google Maps is the reason I’ve gotten lost and gone in circles many a road trip.

    So I finally ditched it for Baidu once Baidu got international maps. I used to use it all the time when I visited China because it could find you the most interesting but fastest routes to where you want to go. It is very clear about where you should go and will remind you many times where you should be in order to follow its next directions properly. These days I rely solely on Baidu to get me around and it does so perfectly every time. I don’t even worry about missing turns because Baidu will have rerouted within seconds and I’ll be able to get right back on course before long. Right now it’s just that Baidu (being China which is an enemy of the big boss in North America) can’t get satellite imaging over here but with the 3D models it has in more popular places it’s not really that much worse. Mostly I just need to be able to get where I want to go without fail and Baidu’s definitely not the fail that Google’s been over the years.

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