Tag: Charles Street

Toronto Map: Google vs Baidu Maps

I‘ve pretty much proved this, but in North America Google Maps is much better than Baidu. Here are maps from Downtown Toronto, near Bloor and East of Yonge Streets. Google Maps has actual street names and buildings. Baidu has only restaurants. Google’s satellite map is also really good. I could have also zoomed in for greater detail. Hands down, Google wins on English maps of Toronto.

Charles Street, near  Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, Google Maps

Charles Street, near Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, Google Maps

Charles Street, near  Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, Baidu Maps

Charles Street, near Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, Baidu Maps

Charles Street, near  Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, satellite, Google  Maps

Charles Street, near Bloor Street, Downtown Toronto, satellite, Google Maps