This is a mapping exercise deep in the heart of Sichuan Province, China. 四川省,绵羊区,江油市
Mianyang City 绵阳市 31.467938,104.680812 8P36FM9J+58 is about 120km north of Chengdu 成都市, Sichuan Province 四川省. Just north of Mianyang City is the Mianyang area. Within the area, 25km north is Jiangyou City 江油市 31.777563,104.745938 8P36QPHW+29

Mianyang City is about 120km north of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Google maps

Just north of Mianyang City is the Mianyang area. Within the area, 25km north is Jiangyou City. Google Maps

Sichuan Province, north of Chengdu, north of Mianyang City, is Jiangyou City. The population is about 4M people, about the same as Toronto. Baidu maps.

Sichuan Province, Jiangyou City, line map, Baidu Maps
This location is in the north of Jiangyou City, along the Fujiang River 涪江, just east of the Jiangyou Subway Station 江油站.

This view of Jiangyou City looks over the Fujiang River, 8P36QQH4+6C 31.778063,104.756062. This is just east of the Jiangyou Subway Station. Baidu Line Map

This view of Jiangyou City looks over the Fujiang River, 8P36QQH4+6C 31.778063,104.756062. The break in the fence are stairs down to the water. Baidu Streetview

China, Sichuan, north of Chengdu, north of Mianyi, in Jiangyou City, to the north near the Jiangyou subway, near the bridge, by the Fujiang River. This is looking eastward, across the Fujiang River. 31.782938,104.755438 8P36QQM4+55

China, Sichuan, north of Chengdu, north of Mianyi, in Jiangyou City, to the north near the Jiangyou subway, near the bridge, by the Fujiang River. This is on the east side of the Fujiang River. 31.782938,104.755438 8P36QQM4+55

China, Sichuan, north of Chengdu, north of Mianyi, in Jiangyou City, to the north near the Jiangyou subway, near the bridge, by the Fujiang River. This is on the east side of the Fujiang River. 31.782938,104.755438 8P36QQM4+55
About 25km north of Jiangyou City is Wudu Town 武都镇 31.878687,104.782813 8P36VQHM+F4。
Of course this is China, so all GPS locates and Plus Codes do not correlate with Baidu maps. This you should already know.