Tag: Jiangyou

China, Sichuan Province, Mianyang, Jiangyou City: Mapping

This is a mapping exercise deep in the heart of Sichuan Province, China. 四川省,绵羊区,江油市

Mianyang City 绵阳市 31.467938,104.680812 8P36FM9J+58 is about 120km north of Chengdu 成都市, Sichuan Province 四川省. Just north of Mianyang City is the Mianyang area. Within the area, 25km north is Jiangyou City 江油市 31.777563,104.745938 8P36QPHW+29

Mianyang City is about 120km north of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Google maps

Mianyang City is about 120km north of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Google maps

Just north of Mianyang City is the Mianyang area. Within the area, 25km north is Jiangyou City. Google Maps

Just north of Mianyang City is the Mianyang area. Within the area, 25km north is Jiangyou City. Google Maps

Sichuan Province, north of Chengdu, north of Mianyang City, is Jiangyou City. The population is about 4M people, about the same as Toronto. Baidu maps.

Sichuan Province, north of Chengdu, north of Mianyang City, is Jiangyou City. The population is about 4M people, about the same as Toronto. Baidu maps.