Globe and Mail Degrades Readability

Globe and Mail newspaper is testing changes to their comments section. The existing font and style, left, is much more readable than the new and hip but less readable version, on the right.
Globe and Mail newspaper is testing changes to their comments section. The existing font and style, left, is much more readable than the new and hip but less readable version, on the right.
It is with deep regret that today, March 17 2009, the Seattle Post-Intellingencer has written its own obituary and ceased production of its paper version. In business from 1863-2009, the 146-year old Seattle newspaper served more than 117,600 weekday readers. While the online version will continue, the PI has layed off 90% of its reporters, whittling its staff down to 20 reporters, a shadow if its former self. The PI will certainly be missed.