Tag: obesity

Recent Dietary Surprises During a Weight Loss Phase

You travel along the path we call life, grow up and take for granted many things as gospel. Unfortunately there are some learnings related to diet that are so incorrect and can damage your health. It is like walking into a health trap set up for you by society at large. Family members and friends all believe in the same “truths” that you once believed. Here are some that I had to test and then was forced to change my stance on them.

The Corrupting Power of Excess

You would think that once you have attained sufficient resources to satisfy a specific need that, once satisfied, you would then redirect excess resources to a different need. For example if you needed a healthy snack and wanted to eat an apple, once you ate an apple or two you would be satiated and stop. Instead you would then look to your other needs, if you were still hungry, such as a sandwich, to balance out your meal. It would be illogical to simply keep searching for and buying various different apples for the sake of variety and interest. In my simple view that is not what I see in the world.

Insulin is a Hormone that tells Cells to burn carbs and not Fat

This is an interesting theory, and a very minority one. The traditional theory is that obesity is caused by a person’s lack of will power, where if you don’t eat you won’t gain weight. This theory, the Carbohydrate-Insulin Model (CIM) of obesity, says that insulin is a hormone. When you eat carbs or sugar, insulin kicks in and tells your cells to burn carbs and not fat. You therefore crave more carbs and accumulate and not burn fat.

Obesity, Supersizing and the Poison that is Sugar

Could we be poisoning ourselves with the supposedly benign substance we consume, that we call sugar? There are a lot of mysteries that plague our society: rampant obesity, the prevalence of diabetes, and many new heath scares. I saw The Men Who Made us Fat on tv yesterday, and it was shocking. You can watch the ,a href=”https://vimeo.com/search?q=The+men+who+made+us+fat”>3 part series in Vimeo.

Obesity is rampant. It is even seen in elementary school kids. This is shocking. Kids run all day and play like, well, kids. How can they become overweight? While I continue to struggle to loose a little more, and to not put more on, I am puzzled by what I see around me. Is it inevitable for us to become obese when past generations did not have this problem? Is this a first-world problem?