dailyfeed.co.uk are thieves, stealing my bandwidth

dailyfeed.co.uk is using an image straight from my site and therefore stealing my bandwidth. I have tried to contact them but cannot find an email address.

One of their articles: http://www.dailyfeed.co.uk/2016/03/13-things-found-every-00s-kids-bedroom/6/ takes an image from my site. Why they are so cheap and not store the image on their site I do not know. I have banned them as a referrer, so hope this will stop.

Theft, and no less. Assholes. Alex Taylor, owner of dailyfeed.co.uk, you are an asshole.

I have contacted their ISP, cloudflare.com:

One of your customers, dailyfeeds.co.uk, IP address, is hotlinking to one of my site’s images and therefore using up lots of my bandwidth. I would like to have this stopped. They can store he image on their site and use their own bandwidth. I have no relationship with this website, but do not appreciate the unauthorized use of my bandwidth my people who steal.

web page in question: http://www.dailyfeed.co.uk/2016/03/13-things-found-every-00s-kids-bedroom/6/
My site is dontai.com/wp/

I could not find a technical or other contact for the web site, so have contacted you, their ISP. Please remove this image from their site and stop illegally stealing my bandwidth.

Thank you,

1 thought on “dailyfeed.co.uk are thieves, stealing my bandwidth

  1. David Ing

    In the footer of your web site, you have maintained copyright on your blog, and chosen to not use Creative Commons licensing. This means that, for someone else to copy an image from your web site, they would have to contact you with a specific communication to seek your permission to copy. The pattern of copyright clearances should be familiar to anyone who has ever written an academic article for publication, when a figure (or more than a fair use content of text) is reproduced into a new copyrighted work.

    The reuse of a copyright image is covered by the practice of inline linking, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inline_linking . For these cases, the image on an originator’s web site is not copied, by embedded onto another web domain.

    In the United States, the Digital Media Law Project says that “inline linking does not directly infringe copyright because no copy is made on the site providing the link; the link is just HTML code pointing to the image or other material”, at http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/linking-copyrighted-materials .

    In Canada, Michael Geist reported that “The third claim involved a link to a photograph posted on the photographer’s site. The court had no trouble concluding that the link was not copyright infringement, rightly noting that the photographer authorized the communication of the work by posting it on his website” at http://www.michaelgeist.ca/2012/06/warman-v-fournier-copyright/ .

    If your concern is preserving your bandwidth, you might have a stronger case over copyright if you were licensing your content as CC-BY-NC, i.e. attribution is required, and only non-commercial uses are sanctioned, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/ . However, this still wouldn’t resolve the issue of embedded inline linking.

    Ironically, this comment that I’m writing on your blog is technically copyrighted to me (since I’m not placing a specific license on its reuse). If someone wants to cite the text I’m leaving here, they would be more comformant with copyright laws by linking to the comment, rather than copying and reproducing it elsewhere.

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