Tag: air quality

Sandstorms in Northern China, Horrendous Air Quality

China, Changzhi air quality is so terrible it is off the AQI scale. 2021 Mar 15. aqicn.org

China, Changzhi air quality is so terrible it is off the AQI scale. 2021 Mar 15. aqicn.org

The air quality in Northern China is the worst in a long time. The PM2.5 and PM 10 levels are off the scale it is so bad. This endangers the health of a wide swath of people in Northern and central China.

China, Changzhi air quality is so terrible it is off the AQI scale. 2021 Mar 15. aqicn.org

China, Changzhi air quality is so terrible it is off the AQI scale. 2021 Mar 15. aqicn.org

Sandstorms and pollution in China Beijing, 2021 Mar 15, where air quality levels were so terrible they were off the charts.

Sandstorms and pollution in China Beijing, 2021 Mar 15, where air quality levels were so terrible they were off the charts.

China Air Quality Terrible for Xian, Beijing and Some Cities: 2018 Dec 02

Yet again, some of China’s air quality PM 2.5 readings are off the chart. Literally, and this is really terrible for people’s health. PM 2.5 measures air pollution particles smaller than 2.5 microns, which when inhaled are too small for the body to remove, so they stay there forever.

China needs to do much better to protect the health of citizens. Pollution report

Air Quality PM2.5 2018 Dec 02 10:00 Toronto time, readings for China: Xi'an 592, Beijing 268 vs Toronto at 17. Terrible for your health.

Air Quality PM2.5 2018 Dec 02 10:00 Toronto time, readings for China: Xi’an 592, Beijing 268 vs Toronto at 17. Terrible for your health.

It is 2018 September 05 and Toronto is 34C!

Usually Toronto is moderately warm in June and hot in July and August. By the time September rolls around the weather cools down considerably. This was untrue this summer, where we have had a very hot June through to August. And today, on 2018 September 05 we are experiencing yet another super hot day. Wow. At least our PM2.5 air quality, at 55 moderate is not too terrible.

Hot Toronto 34C weather 2018 Sept 05. Very unusual

Hot Toronto 34C weather 2018 Sept 05. Very unusual

Toronto Air Quality is 55, still at Moderate. This is good.

Toronto Air Quality is 55, still at Moderate. This is good.

Toronto Air Quality Advisory 2018 May 27 vs Beijing

Air quality index PM2.5, Toronto vs Beijing, Shanghai, Changzhi, 2018 May 27 15:00 Toronto time

Air quality index PM2.5, Toronto vs Beijing, Shanghai, Changzhi, 2018 May 27 15:00 Toronto time

Toronto issues its first air quality advisory of the year 2018. Toronto AQI 2.5 is 50. In contrast Beijing is 442, Shanghai at 147, and Changzhi at 137. The scale was to go up to only 100.

Alerts for: City of Toronto

12:33 PM EDT Sunday 27 May 2018
Special air quality statement in effect for:

City of Toronto

Possible high levels of air pollution are expected today in the southwestern Ontario and Greater Toronto Area.

Why PM 2.5 Air Pollution is Hazardous to Humans

Beijing PM2.5 Air Pollution particles lodged in face mask material, under an electron microscope, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Liu Yong, photo2

Beijing PM2.5 Air Pollution particles lodged in face mask material, under an electron microscope, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Liu Yong, photo2

Fool, it does not take, to believe that the terrible air pollution in Beijing and Northern China, is not fog, and is hazardous to your health. These images are taken with an electron microscope proves the point.

Liu Yong (刘勇), doctoral student from the Beijing University of Chemical Technology (北京化工大学) took these photos of face mask material after about 8 hours of use. The pollution particles lodged into the face mask material was analyzed for hazardous materials. Found were calcium carbonate (碳酸钙), iron oxide (氧化铁), sulfate (硫酸盐)。 The masks are MaiXingRen 霾星人 brand, though the article does not specifically state this.

Adding an Air Quality Widget to WordPress

Air, you really cannot live without it. Literally. Dirty air gets into everything, especially PM2.5 sized. No household air cleaners or air conditioners can get rid of this pollution. I’m sure a house sized hepa filter could do it, but open a door and your air quality would quickly drop. What would life be if you could not go outside?

Anyway, I thought I’d add city air quality readings to my WordPress blog, but I’m only partially satisfied. I actually want 2 cities but can only get one at a time. There are instructions on aqicn.org Air Quality Widget – New Improved Feed

Polluted Air Quality in Beijing

Air quality is something one personally cannot control. I suppose you could rent an oxygen tank and wear a medical mask 7/24 but realistically, few people could do this. Having lived in Beijing and have recently returned for a visit, the bottom line is that Beijing air is hazardous to all living beings in the area. For me it does not matter that the Chinese government says it’s Ok, and that there are places with worse air quality, some of them in China. All the proof you need will be provided by living in Beijing for only a couple of days.