Yet again, some of China’s air quality PM 2.5 readings are off the chart. Literally, and this is really terrible for people’s health. PM 2.5 measures air pollution particles smaller than 2.5 microns, which when inhaled are too small for the body to remove, so they stay there forever.
China needs to do much better to protect the health of citizens. Pollution report
Air Quality PM2.5 2018 Dec 02 10:00 Toronto time, readings for China: Xi’an 592, Beijing 268 vs Toronto at 17. Terrible for your health.
Astounded I am. I would have never thought that I would be studying Xi Jinping Thought 习近平思想 but here we are. This document was released on 2017 Oct 18 at the 19th Communist Party Congress (CPC), and is the roadmap China will use going forward. I usually do not read much Chinese propaganda, but this one seems to be repeatedly referenced, forcing me to come back and review this in greater detail, from the Chinese source through to translation. The implication of the first point, “Ensuring Party leadership over all work”, has strong implications for international trade, espionage and foreign relations.
China’s Great Wall of Debt: Dinny McMahon, 2018, Book
-high rate of growth for 4 decades
-emphasis on growth: stimulate economy, short-term growth, pay for it down the road
-China uses foreign nations’ access to economy as political tool
-Beijing willing to intervene, postpone crash, possible greater pain down the road
-debt: why state firms, local govt borrowed so much, how fin systems accommodated, why technocrats allow it, why it has no solution
No photo says it more clearly than the photo of Angela Merkel staring down Trump at the recent G6+1 summit in Quebec, Canada. This was supposed to be a meeting of Allied countries, not a meeting of enemies.
Merkel and the rest of the G6 countries confront Trump, 2018 May 11, Charlevoix, Quebec
I quote Stephen Colbert: “Still Life With Douchebag”. Not only funny but apt. There seems a lack of friendliness with Allied countries, which Trump has put tariff on all Allied countries. Then there is the issue of insulting Justin Trudeau and Canada in general.