Tag: recycling

The World Plastic Craze is Epidemic and needs to stop

Little Giant 554405 VCMA-15 non-submersible condensate pump, removed from black base. Output tube, pump intake and impeller (large round part). You can see the impeller shaft through the intake windows.

Little Giant 554405 VCMA-15 non-submersible condensate pump, removed from black base. Output tube, pump intake and impeller (large round part). You can see the impeller shaft through the intake windows.

Even the most elementary animals do not defecate where they live. Even so, their scat is biodegradable and is quickly transformed to base organic waste by microbes. This is natural. Man, on the other hand, has created a remarkable material: plastic. Remarkable, yes, but it is inorganic and as it does not break down to an organic waste, it is polluting the earth and mankind. Ironically, we are eating our own waste.

China Now Refuses the West’s Plastic Waste

It had to happen sometime, and the time is now. As of 2017 Jan 01 China is refusing to accept a large proportion of the West’s plastic waste. Consumption in the West has depended on China for decades. Now China makes new pretty things, the West uses them, creates a lot of garbage, then ships a proportion of the garbage plastic back to China for recycling. This needs to stop, and I thank China for pushing us to a better solution to our rampant consumption.

New Recycle Green Bin, Toronto, Canada

The new Toronto Green bin is much larger than the old, both taller and wider. I'd call the colour puke. Front view. Photo 1 by Don Tai.

The new Toronto Green bin is much larger than the old, both taller and wider. I’d call the colour puke. Front view. Photo 1 by Don Tai.

The powers that be at the City of Toronto, Canada, have decided to provide all house residents with new green bins. These bins are larger and can be dumped mechanically by truck. They are said to be raccoon proof. We’ll what our furry friends say about this.

The Fallacy that Canadians Want Smaller Cars

As a nation Canadians talk large about the need to conserve energy and treat Mother Nature with more respect, i.e. let’s not continually hurt her. In many examples, recycling of food and consumer packaged goods comes to mind, here in Toronto I feel we are doing a very good job. Yet when you look around out streets I continually see a large proportion of very big personal vehicles such as SUVs. These new vehicles, while professing energy efficiency, do the exact opposite when used only by a single driver.

Garbage Pickup in Toronto, Canada

We save money by automating, or so the City of Toronto politicians say. For the last couple of years there has been changes to our weekly garbage pickup, specifically trucks that have large claws that pick up our garbage cans and dump our garbage into the truck, all without the operator leaving his seat. There is also only one guy on the truck, saving labour costs. Of course there are other details to note.