Category: Tech

I moved my Blog to

Today I moved my blog from to my own hosting space on Site5, primarily because I wanted to experiment with the dizzying variety of themes and plugins. was gracious enough to host me, but I think I was about to outstay my welcome. I wanted to download themes and install plugins, which i could not do. The basic functionality was there, but flexibility was not.

I sure was not disappointed. I only got around to looking at the first 10 pages of themes, and the first 10 pages of plugins. There sure are a number of very busy WordPress themers out there.

Drupal 6 AboutPeople Theme and FCKeditor Goes Black on Black

Problem: After installing the AboutPeople theme and FCKeditor on Drupal 6.9, when the editor is invoked its editor window background is black and the text colour is black, not allowing you to see what you’re writing.

Solution: This is not a problem of the theme or the module, but an unfortunate consequence of their interaction.

Here the fix.
Summary: Go into FCK Editor, change the default style sheet, which is “use theme CSS”, to the “FCKeditor default” style sheet, and the background will turn white, allowing you to see what you’re typing.

Notepad++ Plugin Descriptions: Plainly and Simply

Today I was looking for a code editor and happened upon an article that recommended NotePad++. So I begin to install version 5.1.4, and not far along the install I was offered a number of optional plugins that had no explanation. It took me quite a while to find out what all these options did. Here is a summary:

NPPTextFX: A free open-source text transform plugin © 2005-2006 by Chris Severance (GNU GPL) for Notepad++

Converting Drupal 5.x Theme Foliage to 6.x

I really like Web 2.0 and particularly Drupal and WordPress. There’s so much functionality gained so quickly, fantastic upgradeability, reliability, and a great support community. Recently I converted my friend David’s Drupal 5.1 theme Foliage to Drupal 6.9. It’s really a painless (after you’ve done it) 3 step process that I’d like to share. Here’s how I did it.

The original instructions from
Cutting to the important parts. Thanks Wesley Tanaka, this post was very helpful.

Unchanged files: block.tpl.php, box.tpl.php, node.tpl.php, and all the rest of the theme
Changed files: comment.tpl.php, page.tpl.php
Added files:

First try with Drupal on Site5

So my plan is to eventually migrate my website from Doteasy to Site5. I’ll use Drupal on Site5. Originally I wanted to get Drupal running on Site5, and then change my domain registrar. This way I don’t get any downtime on my site, not that this matters.

Interestingly, using Fantastico it was very easy to create a Drupal web site in my root directory. Fine. Unknown to me is the fact that the Drupal site is configured to, which still points to my original site on Doteasy. I therefore cannot get to the new Drupal site using my domain name.

Summer comes in winter, from Site5

I was researching all day on the web, hard at work looking at some new-to-me web technology and where it might lead the world. It’s all part of the fantastic world of web 2.0. There’s a 15% off sale for web hosting at Site5 that ends today. Dave says Site5 is good, and from what I’ve read they seem great. I sign up and in the middle of the transaction I wasn’t clear on an issue and clicked to the previous screen, when Summer popped up on my screen and cheerfully upped my discount to 20% off. Whoa, was I surprised, in the middle of my kitchen. Here she is.