Our nearby street light was flickering on and off oddly for a couple of days, so I called the City of Toronto to investigate. My neighbour also called. Toronto Hydro came and changed light bulbs. Street maintenance here in Toronto is really good. Call the City and trucks get dispatched. Though it might take a couple of days, it does get completed. This is what our high property tax buys us.
Street light bulb change in Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai
Street light bulb change in Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai
Chubb Monitor Qx started warnings, the trouble LED always lit. The battery needed replacing.
Somethings in your house just keep working silently in the background. You eventually take them for granted, out of mind and out of sight. Such was my Chubb Monitor Qx security system, 452-4713, until the alarm started going off in the middle of the night, here in Toronto, Canada. It aurally called for attention. The trouble LED light remained lit, but with no station indicated. It turned out the battery was near dead. Once replaced it returned to its normal state of silence.
Imperial sewing machine, model 535: Front, Perhaps made in Japan and badged in North America
Fate has voluntold me as the human caretaker of an Imperial Sewing Machine, model 535. This lovely machine was left out on the curb as trash, coincidentally as I was bicycling. Though the machine weighs a LOT, it is all metal and sews very beautifully. It even sews quieter than my Singer. The 535 has straight and zig zag stitching, and can darn. Included were about 5 different presser feet. Casting marks “J-C 27” and “304-1”, and printed marks “JA/3”. A thorough internet search has provided very little, except a couple of photos of similar machines, but images from Needlebar.org shows parts of similar looking machines were manufactured in Japan and badged in North America, circa 1950-’60s. As I did not see a Model 535 anywhere I hope that someone can see my photos and help me find its origins, and perhaps an owner’s guide.