I use the QQ messenger program from Tencent in China. While its big brother WeChat has a very broad ecosystem, QQ is much smaller and has limited function. As I wish to limit such a program to only messaging people in China, QQ fits the bill for me. Both QQ and Wechat are standalone programs that can run on Windows, Mac or Android. There is no version for Linux.
Both QQ and WeChat have a huge following in China. QQ has 805.5 million users, while WeChat has 1,040 million monthly active users (MAU). As of the second quarter of 2018, Facebook had 2.23 billion monthly active users [worldwide].
Annoying it is when sites such as the National Post start their video feeds automatically. I decide what to watch because I pay for my bandwidth. Here’s how to block their incessant videos. You make the decision to watch their videos, not them. Here’s some help
plugins.click_to_play change to false
The link above did not work. I installed he Flashblock plugin, which appears to work.
Bicycling instead of driving a car is not only healthy but is great for the environment. Unfortunately here in North America, specifically in Toronto, Canada, bicycling is relegated to tree kissing environmentalists and kids. This is too bad for everyone. An excellent video by Clarence Eckerson, Jr. shows what is working in Copenhagen, and what could work here in North America.
I have lived in Beijing, China for a couple of years and the bike culture there is pretty safe. This has degraded somewhat now as more people become wealthier and can afford cars. It’s sad to see China go backward on bicycles, but such us progress in the People’s Republic of China.
So pathetic are the driving standards in China that there are a huge number of crashes. China is a world leader in vehicular crashes per capita. If only there were some rules that everyone followed. I propose simple ones such as drive/ride on the right side of the road and stop at traffic lights. It seems like total chaos if there are not enough police around to hand out and collect tickets. I find this video quite amusing, but should not, because people in the video get seriously hurt and cars and bikes get damaged. It is funny because sadly it does reflect what we saw on Chinese roads when we visited China.