Firefox Noscript plugin trust a site. Note that I hit the large S for and now it says trusted. The large clock means it is temporary and will be removed when the browser closes.
NoScript is a web browser plugin for Firefox that allows you to control what javascripts run on your browser. I find it a very effective tool that really does a good job, but was initially most discouraged because the instructions were complex and the tool is not so user friendly. This is a simplified set of minimal instructions that will get you started. If you need more than the basics then go read the complete official instructions.
Firefox Noscript plugin trust a site. Note that I hit the large S for and now it says trusted. Click the large clock and it will turn into a small clock, which means it is now permanent and will be retained when the browser closes.
After a couple of sites I visit decided to use overly aggressive javascript I decided to try the NoScript plugin v10.1.5.9. This plugin, standard on the Tor browser, works quite well. Unfortunately when I close the browser my settings are all lost and I have to redo them. I tried to read the documentation, which is badly written and even tried to find the solution in a Google search. Finally I stumbled upon the FAQ from within the Firefox plugin area, from my browser and found a solution. I wrote some NoScript Plugin: Simple Instructions for myself.
Annoying it is when sites such as the National Post start their video feeds automatically. I decide what to watch because I pay for my bandwidth. Here’s how to block their incessant videos. You make the decision to watch their videos, not them. Here’s some help
plugins.click_to_play change to false
The link above did not work. I installed he Flashblock plugin, which appears to work.
Struggle, I do, using Google Chrome and Google+ Hangouts Chat. My Ubuntu 14.04.2 system simply will not display the integrated webcam, and gives me a black screen instead. Apparently this is a known problem. I was expecting that since both products are from Google, that they would work well together, but this is not the case.
My webcam has always worked. Cheese and GUVcview has always worked from day 1. I recently installed Skype and it worked right from the install. Using Firefox I can go to, login and my webcam works. Strange.
Careless was I when I somehow inadvertently deleted Firefox from my old Google Nexus One, which has Android 2.2. No matter, go to the Google Play/Android market store and download it, right? Not so fast. It turns out as of Jan 2015 Firefox has dropped support for Android 2.2 and ARMV6 devices, and Firefox is no longer available for my Android version. Google Chrome for Android is only available for Android 4 and newer, so not available for me.
Old PCs die a terrible death, lonely and forlorn. In the Windows world you need to upgrade your physical PC hardware every 3-4 years as well as buy the newest operating system, wasting money and stressing your budget. As an IT professional I not only do not buy into this propaganda, but rail against it. When the Windows operating systems on old PCs do not receive any upgrades, the PC slows down, often heavily laden with fat, bloated software. Ubuntu, a Linux OS version, and Xubuntu, it’s lighter version, may be the answer to unlocking the innate functionality of your old PC.
I really like Firefox. It is so much better and faster than IE. Still, in the last year that I have upgraded Firefox versions, it has been getting slower. I did quickly research Firefox 4.0 problems before upgrading and still was unprepared for a bad version. I downgraded to 3.6.17 because I could not use my browser.
Fender Mustang I guitar amp is a modeling amp with 24 presets. Installing the Fender Fuse software is difficult but worthwhile because it allows you to change your preset amps
Growing pains, I say. It will get better, surely. This review will cover the Fender Fuse software package (v2.1.0.8) that is used with Fender Mustang and G-Dec guitar amplifiers. I have installed the Fender Fuse on my PC in order to configure a family friend’s Fender Mustang I. The Mustang is a versatile amp, but came too heavily rock for her tastes. She wanted some acoustic. The Good: After considerable toil I was able to install the software, download different amps to my PC and then store them on the Mustang. The bad: The software install process is overly onerous, required me to download a couple of other Microsoft packages, and is prone to crash. Summary: A very versatile software package and amp, but needs more stability.
I hate when automatic software adds odds and ends to your system that seemingly does not have any benefit. Even more, I hate when they give you no option to disable it. I have almost as much hate for software that allows you to disable a function, but does not completely disable it, leaving you to clean up the residual mess. Such is the case with Sun Microsystem’s Java Quick Starter, automagically installed when you upgrade to Java 9. Sure you can uncheck the JQS box, but that is certainly not enough, as it leaves a trail of destruction for Firefox and a service that is stopped but not completely killed. Sun should really know better. Here is my 3 part kill method: uncheck the service, remove from Firefox, remove the service.
Weary am I when I have to set up another browser in my house. The browser of choice, Firefox, is very easy to install and I have little complaint. It’s the extra add-ons and plug-ins that take work. The score: Sun’s Java gets an A, Adobe’s Acrobat gets a C, Shockwave and Flash gets a D. Yes, they now function, but what a hassle. Most come with extra stuff you not only do not want but do not need. Simpler software leads to a simpler, more reliable computer, a bonus for anyone.