Tag: guitar

Trigger, Willie Nelson’s Martin Guitar

Willie Nelson's Martin guitar, Trigger

Willie Nelson’s Martin guitar, Trigger

I do love this story, of a guitar that is so special, that has stood the test of time through maintenance and a bit of luck. Willie Nelson is not gentle with this guitar, Trigger. A testament to quality build.

It has been beaten up, but also maintained, and used to full capacity. The new sound hole might even enhance its sound. What more can a player ask from an instrument? This really goes against the glitz and glamour of the shiny new toys that you can buy off the shelf and throw away once you’re tired of it.

Lionel Loueke at the Markham Jazz Festival 2013

Intriguing, the mix of African and jazz, with a little Caribbean thrown into one song, is Lionel Loueke. His bassist was Massimo Biolcati. I did not catch his drummer’s name, so if you know them please tell me. There are a lot of Black musicians, but the mix of African language in song really adds a complex level of texture to the music, and I really like it. Markham Jazz Festival, August 17 2013, 5:00-6:30pm. They did not take much of a break either. It was a special event for me.

Toronto Buskerfest August 23 2012

We attended the Toronto Buskerfest on August 23 2012, on the Thursday because it was the cooler of the 4 day festival. I think we should have not attended the first day, because many of the acts seemed to not have arrived into Toronto yet. There was little juggling or unicycling, though still lots of comedy.

Jackie Wise from Ireland, magician, Toronto Buskerfest 2012, Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai

Jackie Wise from Ireland, magician, Toronto Buskerfest 2012, Toronto, Canada. Photo by Don Tai

Rocker RA-200 Acoustic Guitar Review

Rocker RA-200  dreadnought acoustic guitar, Made in China, surprisingly good quality

Rocker RA-200 dreadnought acoustic guitar, Made in China, surprisingly good quality

My friend bought this guitar and, due to lack of time, gave it to me. This acoustic guitar is a low end “Made in China” acoustic dreadnought, purchased here in Toronto, Canada. For the low price of $60CAD, this guitar is surprisingly high quality. It says in tune, sounds very good, is well finished and looks great. The neck is straight and intonation perfect. The action is high but can be somewhat lowered. I do hate the “Rocker” brand name. Whomever chose this name should be shot.

Fender Mustang Amp and Fender Fuse Software: Finding Acoustic and Clean Sounds

Fender Mustang Controls: If you do not like the 24 amp models then change them with the Fuse software

Fender Mustang Controls: If you do not like the 24 amp models then change them with the Fuse software

Fender’s Mustang guitar amp is a very cool modeling amp, with 24 preset types of amp sounds. It is also a very flexible amp. Unfortunately for some players who like an acoustic or clean sound, most of the presets are way too aggressive and dirty, with lots of distortion. Have no fear, because with the Fender Fuse software and USB cable that comes with the amp the Fender Mustang can clean up pretty well, turning your solid body double humbucker into an acoustic.

Fender Fuse Software Review

Fender Mustang I guitar amp is a modeling amp with 24 presets. Installing the Fender Fuse software is difficult but worthwhile because it allows you to change your preset amps

Fender Mustang I guitar amp is a modeling amp with 24 presets. Installing the Fender Fuse software is difficult but worthwhile because it allows you to change your preset amps

Growing pains, I say. It will get better, surely. This review will cover the Fender Fuse software package (v2.1.0.8) that is used with Fender Mustang and G-Dec guitar amplifiers. I have installed the Fender Fuse on my PC in order to configure a family friend’s Fender Mustang I. The Mustang is a versatile amp, but came too heavily rock for her tastes. She wanted some acoustic. The Good: After considerable toil I was able to install the software, download different amps to my PC and then store them on the Mustang. The bad: The software install process is overly onerous, required me to download a couple of other Microsoft packages, and is prone to crash. Summary: A very versatile software package and amp, but needs more stability.

Misrepresenting a Guitar and Amp for Sale in Whitby, ON, Canada

Sometimes you meet a person that you feel is so out of touch with the world, you wonder how they live. This is what I feel about Tommy, whom I met yesterday. Tommy advertised a guitar and an amp on Kijiji in Toronto, Canada, so I went to take a look. When I got to his door, he wanted to hand me the guitar and amp and take my money, transaction completed. His Dad seemed to not want to let me into his house to test the guitar and amp. The guitar was severely damaged in multiple ways, not disclosed in the ad. The amp he handed me was not remotely close to the brand name amp shown in his Kijiji ad photo. On top of that he cussed off his Mom when I was there, and his Dad was swearing like a drunken sailor in a nearby room. Misrepresentation of the ad shows you are a real douchbag, Tommy.