Tag: user manual

Imperial 4500 Sewing Machine User Manual

Imperial 4500 sewing machine. Download the free user manual.

Imperial 4500 sewing machine. Download the free user manual.

Excited I am to add yet another imperial sewing machine manual to my web site. This manual is for the Model 4500, the zigzag machine. I’d like to thank “RR” for the donation. Not only is there a 4500 user manual but there is also an additional handout that includes helpful tips, lubrication points and a large parts diagram.

As usual, all sewing machine manuals on my site are free of charge. The manuals are also free to distribute on condition that they are also free to download. If you download the manual please leave a comment so that if there are updates I can forward them to you.

Imperial Sewing Machine Model 562 User Manual

Imperial sewing machine Model 562 for sale on Kijiji in Stratford, Ontario, Canada

Imperial sewing machine Model 562 for sale on Kijiji in Stratford, Ontario, Canada

Since I became the self-appointed custodian of Imperial sewing machine information on the Internet I have had a slew of great posts and comments that have helped a lot of people with their old machines. This is how the internet should work: To reach out and help others learn what you know. A reader has sent me her user manual for the Imperial sewing machine, model 562, and I thank her for her contribution.

Imperial Sewing Machine Model 535 User Manual

Imperial sewing machine model 535, as illustrated in the user manual. May also be branded as New Home 535 or Janome 535.

Imperial sewing machine model 535, as illustrated in the user manual. May also be branded as New Home 535 or Janome 535.

Since I became the custodian of my Imperial 535 sewing machine I have been looking for a user manual. Many people have written in looking for the same. As luck would have it, Gord Bestwick of British Columbia, Canada happened upon my blog page and has kindly cleaned up and offered me an electronic version of his user manual, for free non-commercial distribution. This means no one need pay for this manual and all Imperial, New Home and Janome 535 owners can enjoy it. This manual is applicable to many Japanese sewing machines of similar era. Between us, the world is a better sewing place.

Imperial Sewing Machines

Imperial sewing machine, model 535: I am looking for an owner's manual and other info on this machine

Imperial sewing machine, model 535: I am looking for an owner's manual and other info on this machine

An exhaustive internet search yielded very little about these lovely sewing machines. From information from Needlebar.org I found parts of other machines were similar but not exactly the same. Parts of these machines were built in Japan after WWII and imported to North America for final assembly and badging. Here are the few links I found. If you have an owner’s manual for a model 535 please let me know.

Imperial Sewing Machine, Model 535

Imperial sewing machine, model 535: Front, Perhaps made in Japan and badged in North America

Imperial sewing machine, model 535: Front, Perhaps made in Japan and badged in North America

Fate has voluntold me as the human caretaker of an Imperial Sewing Machine, model 535. This lovely machine was left out on the curb as trash, coincidentally as I was bicycling. Though the machine weighs a LOT, it is all metal and sews very beautifully. It even sews quieter than my Singer. The 535 has straight and zig zag stitching, and can darn. Included were about 5 different presser feet. Casting marks “J-C 27” and “304-1”, and printed marks “JA/3”. A thorough internet search has provided very little, except a couple of photos of similar machines, but images from Needlebar.org shows parts of similar looking machines were manufactured in Japan and badged in North America, circa 1950-’60s. As I did not see a Model 535 anywhere I hope that someone can see my photos and help me find its origins, and perhaps an owner’s guide.

Singer 29K Patcher Sewing Machine

Singer 29k71 Patcher is a very versatile machine. The treadle stand is missing.

Singer 29k71 Patcher is a very versatile machine. The treadle stand is missing.

If you know this machine then you know how versatile it is, helping you out of tight spots. Old they may be, but they certainly do a great job at fixing up modern day clothing. While the design of these machines has varied little from the ~1910s the machines can be purchased new today with near identical designs.

It is not easy to use, nor is it easy to set up. The bobbin is small and has a very limited capacity. Threading of the bobbin requires some learning, as this is unlike other machines. What is the purpose of the long wire?