It is not very difficult once you know how:
- highlight and copy ctrl-c your web table
- open your spreadsheet, paste ctl-v into the spreadsheet
- you may have headers you want to delete, remove the whole row
- you can also delete any columns, remove the whole column
- to remove images: home > find & select > go to special > objects. All images will be selected, delete
- then you can manipulate your spreadsheet
- save your spreadsheet
To highlight an area, click on the top left box, manipulate to the bottom right box, hit shift enter
This is a preview of
Importing Table Data from the Web to a Spreadsheet
Read the full post (111 words, 0 images, estimated 27 secs reading time)
I’ve done it for a long time, so it was just a matter of time before I could figure it out with Grav. With its distinct combo of markdown and HTML I had to find the right combination.
The problem was that once I put up an image with text flowing around it, the text would be placed right beside the image, leaving no extra white space. This is unpleasant to the eye and makes the text more difficlt to read. A mere 10 pixels of white space make all the difference.
This is a preview of
Grav: Putting white space around an Image with CSS
Read the full post (286 words, 1 image, estimated 1:09 mins reading time)

Chinese QQ QZone’s photo image display javascript gets in the way of saving large images
On Chinese QQ QZone people have walls similar to FB. QZone uses an image display script in your browser. If the image is large when you right click and you can save the image as .PSB or .JPG, but it will not render in your browser, as .PSB is an unknown file type. I believe QQ’s javascript manipulated the image so you can zoom and move around, but this gets in the way if you want to see the original pic and zoom for yourself.