Tag: 中文

Puppy Linux Tahr 5.0.6: Install FCITX Chinese

Puppy Linux Tahr 5.0.6 fits into 1G of disk space and runs well on only 500mb of RAM on an old XP box.

Puppy Linux Tahr 5.0.6 fits into 1G of disk space and runs well on only 500mb of RAM on an old XP box.

Previously I installed Puppy Linux Slako 5.7.1 with SCIM Chinese. Since I regularly use Ubuntu I thought it best to install Puppy Linux Tahr 5.0.6, commonly called “tahrpup” instead. I tried to install SCIM Chinese teh same way as on the Slacko version, and it failed. Eventually I did get the FCITX Chinese to install. It works very well, but was somewhat difficult to find out what works.

Installing SCIM Chinese to Tahrpup

Chinese Maps Compare: Google, 360, Sougou, Baidu 中国地图比较: 谷歌, 360, 搜狗, 百度

Maps, I do like. Not only are they pretty, they are pretty useful, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. Map and compass in hand, you can walk at your leisure and not get lost, or at least be able to get help from the locals when you do. But which maps are the best for China? I thought I’d do a map slugfest, comparing Google (line and satellite), 360, Sougou and Baidu. I chose 150 meters of Shandong, Changdao on Jiefang (Liberation) Road as an example.

我喜欢地图。 除了很漂亮意外, 它们也很好用,特别要是你对这个地方不熟悉。 地图和指南针zai 手里你可以随便走路不怕迷路, 或者一迷路可以让本地人给你帮忙。 在中国哪个地图最好呢? 我想比较, 用谷歌 (线的和卫星的), 360, 搜狗 和百度比较。 我选择了150米的山东长岛的解放路来比如。