Snow Day, 20cm accumulation

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Gonggong's bicycle snowed in

Gonggong's bicycle snowed in

A whole lot of snow has fallen in Toronto, and I’ve been shoveling once last night and twice today. While the temperatures are -4C and the snow is fluffy, it looks like around 20cm, which builds up and becomes heavy. It is not cold outside.


Crabapple tree in winter

The trees have snow but not ice.


Icicles by security light

We have some icicles growing from various parts of the eavestrough that are melting, so there’s a constant drip, drip onto the snow outside. They will freeze solid tonight. The kids want them to eat, but they’re too high up and when you crack them off you don’t want to be underneath when they fall.


Treehouse snowed under

Note the snow accumulation on the second story of the treehouse is over knee deep, and this is only from snow accumulation from last night.

It is days like these that I really do appreciate living in Canada. There is variety and beauty. Yes, I could be living beside a volcano in sub-tropical climes looking out to white grey fluff covering my bike (volcanic ash), but I prefer the real stuff.

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