Turn off Update Notices to Adobe Flash a hassle

What a pain in the buttocks. Flash is annoying me with upgrade notices, all without a way of opting out. I find that Adobe flash and Reader upgrades have a nasty habit of malfunctioning, requiring me to uninstall and reinstall the whole product. Newer versions have more bloatware than utility. I have opted to simply not upgrade, but the upgrade notices continue to come. Here’s how to end your pain.

I now found out that to configure Adobe flash to not send me upgrade notices I need to go to their website, where I can then configure my own flash? There is something called the Flash Player Settings Manager that needs to be changed but can only be changed from this website. What a hassle. If all manufacturers did this we’d be doomed.

Anyway here is where you can turn off update notices to Adobe Flash. I found this tidbit here and at Mozilla. You should have option to turn this off at the first notice. Bad usability, Adobe.

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