Today I was looking for a code editor and happened upon an article that recommended NotePad++. So I begin to install version 5.1.4, and not far along the install I was offered a number of optional plugins that had no explanation. It took me quite a while to find out what all these options did. Here is a summary:
NPPTextFX: A free open-source text transform plugin © 2005-2006 by Chris Severance (GNU GPL) for Notepad++
* Interactive Brace Matching * Quote handling * Character case alternation * Text rewrap * Column Lineup * Fill Text Down |
* Insert counter text down * Text to code conversion * Numeric Conversion * URI & HTML encoding * HTML to text conversion * Submit text to W3C |
* Text sorting * Ascii Chart * Leading whitespace repair * Autoclose HTML & braces |
NPPNetNote: Allows you to share a document with another person, so when you type, changes will be transferred to the other person as well. One person will serve by clicking that button, the other will join by entering the correct hostname or ip address, and clicking join.
NPP Spell Checker: Spell checker for code
NPPExec: Allows you to compile your source file with its associated compiler in a single action.
NPP MIME Tools: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME). MIME extends the format of Internet mail to allow non-US-ASCII textual messages, non-textual messages, multipart message bodies, and non-US-ASCII information in message headers. I don’t really know MIME, and won’t be coding it.
FTP Synchronize: utility to synchronize files over FTP
NPPExport: plugin to export your sourcecode to HTML
Document Monitor: a plugin will update the content of a file, if that content is changed by another application. For example while editing a document, in another window I moved it to another subdirectory. The plugin told me the original document was removed.
The best descriptions of Notebook++ plugins was from
I just want to thank you so much for compiling this list. It’s amazing Notepad++ installer doesn’t explain what these plugins are, and that there’s no info about them on their website/FAQ.
\NPPNetNote\ can be used for more than two persons?
Yes, thanks – very helpful, as Dmitri says.