Tag: plugins

I moved my Blog to DonTai.com

Today I moved my blog from dontai.Wordpress.com to my own hosting space on Site5, primarily because I wanted to experiment with the dizzying variety of themes and plugins. WordPress.com was gracious enough to host me, but I think I was about to outstay my welcome. I wanted to download themes and install plugins, which i could not do. The basic functionality was there, but flexibility was not.

I sure was not disappointed. I only got around to looking at the first 10 pages of themes, and the first 10 pages of plugins. There sure are a number of very busy WordPress themers out there.

Notepad++ Plugin Descriptions: Plainly and Simply

Today I was looking for a code editor and happened upon an article that recommended NotePad++. So I begin to install version 5.1.4, and not far along the install I was offered a number of optional plugins that had no explanation. It took me quite a while to find out what all these options did. Here is a summary:

NPPTextFX: A free open-source text transform plugin © 2005-2006 by Chris Severance (GNU GPL) for Notepad++