Calling All Bees to Toronto, Canada!

Tasty pollen available to all bee friends, from a white tulip

Tasty pollen available to all bee friends, from a white tulip

Spring is finally here. I invite all bees to visit my garden for a very tasty good time. There is so much colour in the garden, which washes into the house, giving some rooms a fantastic pink hue. All photos taken today at 14:45.

On the negative side so many people have come down with allergies. Noses and eyes are itchy. People are stuffed up. This is nature’s way of reproducing. Still, what would spring be without renewal, growth and an uplifting shot of colour.

Without bees our vegetables and fruit would not be able to reproduce and feed us. I pay homage to the lowly bee, a tireless worker that silently goes about its business of fertilizing all living plants. Hats off to all bees!

Male crab apple tree will be in full bloom tomorrow. Still, he looks pretty handsome.

Male crab apple tree will be in full bloom tomorrow. Still, he looks pretty handsome.

White plumb blossom in full bloom, but only lasts 3 days

White plumb blossom in full bloom, but only lasts 3 days

Red tulips in a bunch. They are a couple of days old but still look fresh.

Red tulips in a bunch. They are a couple of days old but still look fresh.

Six red tulips catching the sun's rays and waiting to feed bees.

Six red tulips catching the sun's rays and waiting to feed bees.

Red tulip quadruplets face the sun. Calling all bees, calling all bees...

Red tulip quadruplets face the sun. Calling all bees, calling all bees...

A red tulip duo on display. Where are the bees when you need them?

A red tulip duo on display. Where are the bees when you need them?

A lonely pink tulip on display. I think it's been in bloom for many days.

A lonely pink tulip on display. I think it's been in bloom for many days.

A white tulip duo in partial shade. The pollen really stands out.

A white tulip duo in partial shade. The pollen really stands out.

A white tulip opens a bee buffet. So much messy pollen. Come and get it...

A white tulip opens a bee buffet. So much messy pollen. Come and get it...

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