Tag: dutch oven

Sourdough Bread From A Learner: Resources

A neighbour gave me a freshly baked sourdough bread, and then some starter. I like sourdough’s flavour, and had been thinking about trying it, but hesitated on the 5 day wait for the starter to get going.

There are numerous recipes online. We started with this recipe: Easy Sourdough Artisan Bread Recipe.

There are many variables when dealing with natural yeast. Ambient temperature plays an important role. The sourdough’s naturally occurring yeast takes time to rise. My first bread took 6 hrs, and I felt it needed more time.

Pork Butt vs Pork Picnic Roast: Getting the Details Straight

Slightly more expensive, is pork butt, but it looks pretty similar to pork picnic roast. Shopping at Chinese stores does not make the topic clearer. What is the difference? After some research the pork butt is pork front shoulder at the top of the leg, while the pork picnic roast is the rest of the leg, below the butt.

Yes, I am not a butcher, not even close, but you need to know about meat in order to cook and feed your family properly. Butt, is an old German word for the widest part of an animal. In the case of a pig, the widest part is the front shoulders, and such the front shoulders are called pork butt. How picnic became the name for all the meat further down I don’t know.