Tag: sourdough

Commercial Bread Comparison in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I want to compare our local commercial breads here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Specifically I want to know about the ratio of fiber to carbs. Can bread be healthy? With Vanessa Kimbell and Tim Spector 19:06 21:53 fiber to carb ratio, 1/5 (20%) good, 1/17 (5.88%)-1/20 (5%) not good

These breads are rated from best to worst in terms of fiber percentage of carbohydrates.

Dimplmeier Organic Rye with Flaxseeds

Dimplmeier Organic Rye with Flaxseeds

Dimplmeier Organic Rye with Flaxseeds, nutrition

Dimplmeier Organic Rye with Flaxseeds, nutrition

Dimplmeier Organic Rye with Flaxseeds, Ingredients

Dimplmeier Organic Rye with Flaxseeds, Ingredients

Dimplmeier Organic Rye with Flaxseeds bread: fiber / carbs = 11/49 = 22.45%

Sourdough Bread From A Learner: Resources

A neighbour gave me a freshly baked sourdough bread, and then some starter. I like sourdough’s flavour, and had been thinking about trying it, but hesitated on the 5 day wait for the starter to get going.

There are numerous recipes online. We started with this recipe: Easy Sourdough Artisan Bread Recipe.

There are many variables when dealing with natural yeast. Ambient temperature plays an important role. The sourdough’s naturally occurring yeast takes time to rise. My first bread took 6 hrs, and I felt it needed more time.